Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


お読みくださいː Please read

ごあいさつ: Greetings
画像上の情報について: The information on the photos
各撮影地の情報についてː Information on each photographing points
山などで撮影される方へː To the people who will take photos on the mountain
香港のデモの画像や動画について: Photos and movies of demonstrations

当ブログにお越しいただき、誠にありがとうございますm(_ _)m★
Thank you very much for visiting this blog. m(_ _)m★
My name is Masarun, the host of this HP. I am a Japanese lived in Hong Kong for 11 years (From July 2011 to July 2022)

I’d like to place the photos and information about not only famous but also minor photographing points taken in my 11 years life in Hong Kong (photographing life should be shorter, not that long(^^;)). Having gone photographing after work, so more night photos than daytime photos(^^)

And I’d like to post the photos with information, such as maps or other to help you when you visit the photographing point. I hope this HP will help your photographing in Hong Kong(^^)

I need to go for full time work on weekdays, I hope I can post one for 2 weeks.

■これから香港に来られる方へː To the people who is planning to come to Hong Kong.
There still are some restrictions but now Hong Kong government ceased 3 days isolations (at the time on Oct 2022), I can say it should be quite easier than before to enter Hong Kong.
But Hong Kong is a part of China, the measures against Covid-19 may be changed depend on those in mainland China.
Now I do not live in Hong Kong so it should be difficult to update latest information on this blog. So please find latest information at the Hong Kong government HP or at the HP of your country’s embassy in Hong Kong.


■画像上の情報について: Information on the photos
I placed the information of each photo, photo spot and the date, at the upper left corner of it. 上の画像の場合、撮影している街並みは荃灣 (Tsuen Wan)ですが、撮影場所が青衣(Tsing Yi)なので表記は@Tsing Yiになっています。
For example, the view on this photo is 荃灣 (Tsuen Wan) but the point where I took it was 青衣(Tsing Yi) this is because the place info on this photo is “@Tsing Yi”
(This is the reason why I placed “@” on the top)

■各撮影ポイントの情報についてː Information of each photographing points
Please consider sufficient time when you visit.(About last visited date)
I placed the date and place information on each photo and last visited date on each post, I placed all information as correct on the last visited date however there may be some changes on the way or the point itself when you visit, such as detours due to some road works or bus routes or stops changes, so please consider your schedules with sufficient time.
★I recommend you to install bus application★
Citybus & NWFB – Home (

And the securities around or on/inside the buildings or apartments may become sever, please consider these situation changes in advance. (Date information on each photo also shows that I took it  before the securities changes if any)

アクセス情報についてː Access information
I placed access information on some posts.

★Basically, access information is from “the nearest MTR station”

There are so many bus lines in Hong Kong. Compared with those in Japan, the fares are quite cheap. You can select the lines with the shortest walking. Actually, I mainly used buses when I lived in Hong Kong.
However, this means the best bus route must depend on where you are now. The best access must be different, depending on the hotel you stay or your photographing plans, so I placed the access information as from the nearest MTR station.

Anyway then, if the photographing point is the place where you can reach by only bus, I may describe the access information with easy access to bus stops, so the MTR station on the post may not be the nearest one to the point.

So, please understand the access information on my post sometimes may not fit (not the best access to) your visiting planes on the day.If you know well and are familiar with Hong Kong public transportations, I hope you can find the best routes between each point.

■山などへ行かれる方へː To the people who will go to some mountains
Hong Kong is known as its many tall apartments stand on narrow lands beside or on the mountains, (this is one of the Hong Kong attractions), some people may plan to try to clime some mountains for photographing.
※写真撮影でː 写真を撮ることが目的ですので、何時間もある山道全てを踏破する方向けではありません。
Having been forced by my father to climb some Japan alps mountains in my childhood, I’m not a kind of professional climber but I’d like to place some attentions which I saw when I visited some Hong Kong mountains ※for photographing. Below information may not be enough for avoiding all troubles, I hope you prepare more by your decision.
※For photographingː Just for taking photos beside cities, not for taking several hours to complete whole routes.
①亜熱帯なので(熱中症対策)ː Subtropical climate (against to heatstroke)
Hong Kong belongs subtropical climate and its low latitudes make sunlight reach to the lands, it usually quite hot. Please wear easy walking cloths and bring sufficient waters to against heatstroke. Sunlight must be strong, sunscreens are also necessary.

②滑りやすい地質ː Slippery soils
It should not be applicable to all Hong Kong mountains but I saw slippery soils many times. The soils there are like a kind of sands. Actually, I slipped many times and, once, broke one of my lenses and needed to send it factory for fix. Please do not wear sneakers but wear the climbing shoes which can hold lands.

Do not have cameras when you walk (If possible, put it in your bags.)
It should be a kind of common sense, please do not have your cameras when you walk. Hanging them from your neck with neck strap is better, but putting them in your bag is the best. Neck straps could not save my lens when I fell down….(^^;)

Please consider sufficient time and see back several times for your round way

Subtropical climates must rob your energy fast, please slowly climb the mountains and see back your way in case not to lose your round way such as turning corners. Taking photos by mobile phone should be nice. This may make you to take long time to climb, so please consider more sufficient time than estimated. (If possible twice)

⑤ごみは捨てずに持ちかえる: Do not leave your litters but bring them back
It must be a basic common sense, please do not leave your litters but bring them back

ː Please bring head lights if you visit at night
(I do not recommend you visit mountains at night but because I placed some night photos taken at mountains… (^^;))
Flashlights must be necessary when we walk at night but headlights will help with you quite well to use your hands when you hold trees or lands to secure yourself. You can get them cheaper at Daiso(^^)

⑦その他のオススメ装備ː Other recommend equipment
・虫よけː Insect repellents
In the mountain and forest, many mosquitos will gather to you seeking your delicious bloods, insect repellents are necessary.
・長袖の服ː Long sleeve cloths
Even when it is hot at city side, you may feel colder on the mountain (especially at night), you should bring some long sleeve cloths. They must also work well to save your skins from insects and tree blanches and leaves hit you.
・軍手ː Work groves
You may need grab trees or rocks to secure yourself, saving you hands, please wear work groves on the way.
・無理だと思ったらあきらめる心: The mind to give up when you feel impossible continue climbing

■香港のデモの画像や動画について: Photos and movies of demonstrations
★These days, there should be no demonstrations held in Hong Kong, I hope you can see my photos and movies of demonstrations as record of past Hong Kong ★
I’m not a PRESS photographer with ID, so I cannot access some places but I’d like to post about demonstrations as just I saw. I also take movies and made a channel on Youtube. I hope my photos and movies help you with knowing about demonstrations.
⇒My channel:
※I have carefully checked the photos and movies before posting and do not post those which we can recognize some protesters identities especially when they were doing some destructions.

© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén