Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【必読】街撮りのマナー【Please read】The manners when you take photos in the town

私自身のいろいろ迷った経験から皆様の短い香港滞在の間に少しでも多く、いい写真を撮っていただくための一助になればとこのHPを開設しております。せっかくこのHPに来ていただいた皆様に、マナーについて厳しく申し上げるのは心もとないのです、が、マナーのない方まで撮影ポイントに呼んで、トラブルを起こされたいとも思っておりません(> <)
I’ve placed this HP for the purpose that you can take nice photos as much as possible during your short stay in Hong Kong referring to my experiments that I took long time to find the points. It must be sorry for placing severe manner instructions here BUT I do not want to lead the people who have bad manners to precious photographing points and do not want them to make troubles there. (> <)

The troubles at photographing points are NOT their individual matters. They must be influent to all photographers and may cause tragedies that all people are prohibited to take photos there.

下記は、一般的に言われる注意点や私個人が気づいた注意点をまとめてみました。ただ、これら全てを守っても、トラブルが起こるかもしれません。また、撮影スタイルや撮影対象の違いで優先順位や書いていないことでも重要なこともあると思います。もし皆様でお気づきのことがありましたら、皆様のご判断で、さらに慎重にご撮影いただけば幸いですm(_ _)m
I’ve below listed the general important points and some I found.
However you may encounter some troubles even being careful of below all and may find some more important points according to your photographing styles. I’m happy if you try to be more careful for photographing with your own decisions. m(_ _)m

Photographing points are public areas
Be careful when you face your cameras to people
Do not ask them but to wait or move
Manners at sightseeing areas
【IMPORTANT】Photographing at resident areas←Must read!
When you visit temples for photographing
Keep the traffic manners
Never to take photos around demonstrations and keep or go away

Photographing points are public areas
Once you go out your home, everything you can see is not your own belongings. Please refrain from occupying public spaces long time and from doing something to public or other people’s belongings.

Be careful when you face your cameras to people
When you take photos in the town, some people must be shown on your photos. There are many people living in narrow land, Hong Kong, it must be almost impossible to take city photos without any people.

I myself do not prefer the styles focusing people so I have no experiments to negotiate with the people. Anyway, below points generally being explained in Japan, I’ve listed some important points.

Can recognize him or her & Just showing on the photos or not
When you take landscape photos, it should be OK if he or her is shown small among other people and not related to the main subject of the photos.

It may sometimes be OK if the photos were taken at sightseeing areas or at the place some events held.
(例)ディ〇ニーのパレードの演者はOK, 見ている女の子はNG
It is regarded as commonsense that people usually take photos at sightseeing areas and at events, so participants are regarded they understand themselves to be shown on the photos. But the important point is that taking participant may sometimes OK but taking other people around should be NG as well.
(Example) Performers at Di〇ney parades are OK, the girls watching them are NG.

The cases that cause serious problems.(Be careful when you select photos)
It must be NG to take photos focusing to the people whom you do not know without their permissions. However you many find many photos which many people are shown on them when you take lots of city photos. Nobody can avoid taking city photos without people.
The cases that may cause serious problems are when you try to upload some of them in the Internet such as on some SNSs or your blogs. Some of them may cause invasion of some individuals privacy. If you want to upload some photos to Internet, please carefully select them.(Of cause I try to do best about this)

Taking celebrities are NG(Especially upload to SNSs)
Their jobs are being taken by cameras. They regard themselves a kind of products. Uploading their photos are sometimes regarded same meaning as stealing their products. It should be safe not to upload their photos to SNSs when you take.

Here being abroad (international city)
Hong Kong is an international city so there are many people form not only neighborhood China and ASEAN countries but also Europe, America, middle east and so on. Some actions which are regarded as no problems in your country may cause serious problems due to the cultural differences. Please be much more careful than when you are in your country.((ex) It is regarded as NG to face cameras to the Islamic women who wear Hijabs)

Because now is Internet era
Now we can enjoy sharing photos via Internet very easily, your photos can be seen from all over the world. Compared with the past, even if he or her can be seen very small in your finder but some them must feel more nervous and anxious when you face your cameras to them.
When you take photos and you find some people who can be seen unwilling to be taken in the photos, it should be the manner to stop taking photos. If some people on the photo can be seen unwilling be taken, that photo must not be good one(^^;)

Do not ask them but wait or move
I believe there are some cases that some people suddenly show up on your photos at the best chances and you want them to leave, however it is them who live there, we are just those come from outside and just taking photos.
They just live there not trying to bother your photographing.

In those cases, we must not ask them to leave, just wait for next time or move and take photos from other places.
And, it must be commonsense, alerting them or speaking aloud to them must be out of questions.

That kind of rude acts make their impression to the people who have cameras worse and, in the worst case, they may place the signs saying photographing prohibited.

Manners at sightseeing areas
Everyone want to take photos at sightseeing areas, so please do not stay long for your own photographing. Everyone is waiting for you leave behind you.
It must be our of questions to place your tripods long time for night photographing. If you want to stay long, it should be better to give the place to next person regularly and repeat short photographing.
↑: (例)ピークのSky Terrace 428の東端の角は常に人がいて、順番待ちの状態です。
↑: (Example) There always are many people at the east corner at Sky Terrace 428 on the peak.

【IMPORTANT】Photographing at resident areas←Must read!

Please imagine that there are famous photographing point just beside the windows of your bed room, bath room or toilet and there always are some people staying for taking photos not only at daytime but also at nights,,,, and facing their lens to your home….

Can you live at ease on this situations? I believe nobody can open their curtains and this makes much difficulties with their lives.

There are many famous apartments for photographing in Hong Kong. For example, 益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building) famous as Monster buildings, 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate), 彩虹村(Choi Hung Estate), 南山邨(Nan Shan Estate) and so on.
We must understand we can enjoy photographing thanks to the kindness and understanding from the residents. Please do not forget it.

When you go photographing to such areas,,please
Stay quietly
Do not face your cameras to residents
Take your litters home
Apologize politely and stop photographing when they alert you
Get along with other photographers
Please pay maximum attentions not to bother residents lives.

If you cannot follow or understand these instructions, please refrain from visiting resident areas, just visit only sightseeing areas and go back your country.

I understand these expressions are quite severe but all photographers can enjoy photographing thanks to the kindness and understand from the residents. To avoid tragedies that residents prohibit our photographing due to the rudeness of one photographer, please pay attentions for your manners there.

Actually there are some apartments where photographing were newly prohibited or got severe for photographing these days.
I hereby show you 3 examples.

Prohibited at west side of Monster Buildings
I had not seen any alerts when I last visited 2 or 3 years ago but I found some signs placed, which prohibit photographing in 2020.

The fences and alerts at east side of Monster Buildings
Same as west side, I had not seen anything during my last visit 2 or 3 years ago but new fences were attached on center structures (We often see some photos taken on them?) and signs which require us to be careful for the manners and no residents responsibilities for our accidents.
I believe they want to prohibit all actually but not to do so with their kindness and understandings to us. We should appreciate with them and must act not to bother their lives in case not they prohibit all.

We may be alerted on some apartments at 華富 .
We can same kind of photos as 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate) at 華富(Wah Fu). There are around 10 of same type apartments there but we may be alerted against photographing at some, when you are alerted please apologize politely and stop photographing there.

When you visit temples for photographing
Check first when you arrive (Because this HP is for photographing)
When you arrive at the temples, please try to find if there are any signs for prohibiting and some acts such as photographing and so on.
It must be common sense if you find no- photographing sings, please keep your cameras in your bag and enjoy praying.

And even there being no such sins, please do not suddenly start photographing earnestly, watch around first and take care for the people around.

Do not bother people praying.
When there are some people praying, please be clam and do not be close to them. Never try to face your lenses to them.
If you find them minding your cameras, please be way from them asap and wait next chance.

Do not touch the objects in the temples
Please do not touch the things in the temples, especially offerings such as incense sticks, amulets, candles, foods, and so on. They mean the wills and wishes of praying people, please do not touch them and not try to read.

Keep the traffic manners
    Please start taking photos AFTER you confirm your safeties
There are many double decker buses run in Hong Kong, not only them, we can see many large vehicles running on narrow roads and those in the mountains. It must be danger to stay close to the roadways for taking photos. If you want to take photos beside roads, please find safe places on the sidewalks first.

Please do not bother pedestrians when you take photos from side walk.
Even if you take from safe place, please refrain from occupying much space of narrow sidewalks. Especially when you place your tripods at night, please pay attentions to other passing people.

Please be much careful when you take photos from safe zone or tram platforms
It must kill you if you try to take photos on the crowded roadways, please never to try it but you may try tram platforms or safe zones, which can be seem many on the wide road in Hong Kong, I actually often see some photographers taking photos from them.
There are only small spaces and no fences on with some of them, they are not safe enough so I hope you do not try but if you want,,,,

Please take photos with safe positions and postures in case not to fall down to road side (or tram tracks side)
Please do not bother other people
Please be always much careful for the cars especially those【coming from your back】
Finish photographing shortly
During your stay, please be always careful for your around.

Never take photos around demonstrations but keep or go away
Due to the coronavirus infections these days, there have been almost no demonstrations held but if you encounter them, please never try to take photos but go away asap.
It may sound strange that I ask you not to take photos because I have uploaded some photos and movies taken among demonstrations. However you can see no photos taken after later Nov 2019. This is because after the occupations at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, polices started to alert or prohibit photos severely. I saw many times that polices were alerting the people who just faced their mobile phones. They may ask you to show your genuine PRESS ID. And protesters also are always very sensitive to be taken photos, please do not take their photos.

To avoid being arrested as a protestor (it may cause big international problem and become news), and hitting flying objects such as rocks, pet bottles, of course tear gas and so on, please go away as soon as possible when you find demonstrations.

© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén