Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


香港デモの動画: Movies of Hong Kong Demonstrations

These are movies taken among demonstrations in Hong Kong. All are liked to my uploaded movies on my Youtube channel.
I placed on recommended movies.

Seeing from protestors eyes when they were going forward into lots of tear gas

Seeing protestors getting over the barricades and going forward to polices

Seeing from polices eyes when they were going forward to protestors with launching tear gas many times

I got wet by blue water cannon again

Seeing what was going on when station were closed for demonstrations.

This movie is showing polices extinguished burning barricades with water cannon and were going into Causeway Bay.

Taken at Wan Chai, polices got over burning barricades and went forward to protestors.

This is a conflict occurred at Wan Chai when polices started to retreat once. Some protestors were chasing polices tenaciously. Polices accepted the battles with tear sprays. It was not the way a kind of polices go away.

When polices were going into Causeway Bay, a water truck suddenly rushed ahead and discharged water cannon. There seemed to be no fire extinguished but some parts of bus stop were left. I guess some protesters tried to construct barricades with them and polices prevented it.

This also was taken at Causeway Bay after some conflicts between polices and protesters, when polices started to move ahead, one of the press were pushed by polices and got down. This made there totally confused.

Movie of the conflict at 金鐘. You can watch the rain of petrol bombs and finally one protester got wrapped in flames

This was the FRONT LINE at Admiralty. Seeing protestors going forward to government buildings with throwing rocks and so on.

This is the view of 金鐘(Admiralty). Polices discharged lots of tear gas and one of them landed in front of us.

This is the view of in front of the government office at 金鐘(Admiralty). Polices discharged the blue water cannon not only to protesters but also to the group of press. Almost all of them, of course include me, got wet with blue.

Movie of the conflict at an exit of 銅鑼灣 station. polices used tear gas and on of them landed just beside me!!

© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén