Not only at suburb areas but also in the city areas, there are many temples in Hong Kong. Many people come for praying every day. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The temples itself and many spiral incense sticks hung on the ceilings must be amazing and the offerings are also very quaint. (*´ω`*)💕
I really recommend you drop in on them if you come close to them. (◍•ᴗ•◍)b✨
Anyway, using flashlights or tripods, in the worst case, photographing itself may be prohibited at some temples, please be sure to check their attention signs before you enter them.
And please be sure to act quietly not to bother other people praying. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
1.文武廟(Man Mo Temple)
2.香港仔天后古廟(Tin Hau Temple, Aberdeen)
3.天后廟油麻地(Tin Hau Temple, Yau Ma Tei)
4.南蓮園池(Nan Lian Garden)・志蓮淨苑 天王殿(Chi Lin Nunnery)
5.萬佛寺(Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)
①文武廟(Man Mo Temple)
〈概要: Summary〉
文武廟(Man Mo Temple)は香港で一番古い道教(Taoism)のお寺で、設立は1847年です。香港島の中心部の上環(Sheung Wan)にあります。(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
文武廟(Man Mo Temple) is the oldest 道教(Taoism) temple in Hong Kong, it was established in 1847. It is located at 上環(Sheung Wan) in the downtown area on Hong Kong Island. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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→【香港のお寺】文武廟【Hong Kong Temples】Man Mo Temple – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
②香港仔天后古廟(Tin Hau Temple, Aberdeen)
〈概要: Summary〉
香港島の中心部の反対側の香港仔(Aberdeen)にあるお寺です。美しい丸い月亮門(Moon Gate)がある他、大きな渦巻き線香も圧巻です(*´ω`*)💕
This temple is located at 香港仔(Aberdeen) , the opposite of Hong Kong Island. It has beautiful 月亮門(Moon Gate) and its large spiral incense sticks must be quite amazing. (*´ω`*)💕
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→【香港のお寺】香港仔天后古廟【Hong Kong Temples】Tin Hau Temple, Aberdeen – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
③天后廟油麻地(Tin Hau Temple, Yau Ma Tei)
〈概要: Summary〉
九龍(Kowloon)サイドの中心部の油麻地(Ya Ma Yei)にあるお寺です。天井からの吊るされたたくさんねお供え物?(だと思います)が大変素敵です(*´ω`*)💕
This temple is located at 油麻地(Ya Ma Yei), in the downtown area on 九龍(Kowloon) side. Many offerings hung on its ceilings must be very quaint. (*´ω`*)💕
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→【香港のお寺】天后廟油麻地(Tin Hau Temple, Yau Ma Tei)【Hong Kong Temples】Tin Hau Temple, Yau Ma Tei – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
④南蓮園池(Nan Lian Garden)・志蓮淨苑 天王殿(Chi Lin Nunnery)
〈概要: Summary〉
九龍(Kowloon)サイドの鑽石山(Diamond Hill)駅の側にある仏教寺院です。大きな木像建築物がたくさんあり、展示物もあります。
This Buddhist temple is located just beside 鑽石山(Diamond Hill) station. There are many large halls made by wood and is a museum of them.
特に金色のお堂のある南蓮園池(Nan Lian Garden)は大変有名です(◍•ᴗ•◍)✨
Especially, 南蓮園池(Nan Lian Garden), which has a golden pavilion is very famous. (◍•ᴗ•◍)✨
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→【香港のお寺】金色のお堂(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)南蓮園池と志蓮淨苑 天王殿【Hong Kong Temples】A golden hall. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
⑤萬佛寺(Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)
〈概要: Summary〉
新界(New Territories)側の沙田(Sha Tin)駅近くにある仏教寺院です。金色の仏像がたくさん並んだ参道が大変圧巻です(*´ω`*)❣️
This temple is located near 沙田(Sha Tin) station, on 新界(New Territories) side.
There are many golden Buddhas on both side of its approaching road, the views of it must be very amazing. (*´ω`*)❣️
私はコロナで寺院の中には入れませんでしたが、参道だけでも訪れる価値はあると思います( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Due to COVID-19, I could not enter the temple, but I really recommend you come to see the approaching road. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Please be sure that there was a sign, beside the temple entrance, which prohibits photographing IN THE HALLS when I visited.
(Sorry but I do not know current status)
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→【香港のお寺】金色の仏像が並んだ参道!萬佛寺【Hong Kong Temples】Many golden Buddha statues in line!Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong