★6 FAMOUS Hong Kong night photographing points★こちらのページでは、過去に投稿しました香港夜景の有名ポイントの6か所投稿をまとめてご紹介しています(◍•ᴗ•◍)This page is the list of the posts which introduce 6 FAMOUS Hong Kong night photographing points. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I may update this page. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
There may be some points which are listed on other summary pages. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Sky Terrace 428/獅子亭(Lions Pavilion)

『100万ドルの香港の夜景』といえば太平山(Victoria Peak)のこちら(◍•ᴗ•◍)!!
The views form 太平山(Victoria Peak) are that’s 『One million Hong Kong night views 』(◍•ᴗ•◍)!!
・昼景と詳細: Daytime photos and details
→【有名P】太平山(Victoria Peak)からの風景【Famous P】The views from Victoria Peak – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
・夜景: Night Photos
→【夜景/有名P】太平山(Victoria Peak)からの夕景~夜景【Night Views/Famous P】Sunsets and nights views from Victoria Peak – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
2.太平山(Victoria Peak)②
盧吉道觀景台(Lugard Road Lookout)

太平山(Victoria Peak)にあるもう一つの有名な撮影ポイント(構図)です★
This is the another of famous photographing point (angle) on 太平山(Victoria Peak) ★
〈投稿URL: Post URL〉
・昼景と詳細: Daytime photos and details
→【有名P】太平山の有名なもう一つの展望台★【Famous P】Another famous viewing point on the Victoria Peak★ – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
・夜景: Night Photos
→【夜景/有名P】山頂の有名なもう一つの展望台★【Night/Famous P】Another famous viewing point on the Victoria Peak★ – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
3. 九龍公眾碼頭(Kowloon Public Pier)

〈概要: Summary〉
尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) のスターフェリーの乗り場の側にある九龍公眾碼頭(Kowloon Public Pier)からの香港島のビル群の撮影です★
毎日20時からの幻彩詠香江(シンフォニー・オブ・ライツ/A Symphony of Lights)は大迫力です(◍•ᴗ•◍)!!
Here is 九龍公眾碼頭(Kowloon Public Pier) which is located just beside 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) star ferry pier. We can enjoy the views of Hong Kong Island tall buildings. ★
Especially we can enjoy powerful impression of 幻彩詠香江(A Symphony of Lights), which starts at 8:00 p.m. every night. (◍•ᴗ•◍)!!
・昼景と詳細: Daytime photos and details
→【有名P】尖沙咀からの香港島の風景【Famous P】The views of Hong Kong Island from Tsim Sha Tsui – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
・夜景: Night Photos
→【夜景/有名P】尖沙咀からの香港島の夜景: 【Night Views/Famous P】Hong Kong Islands night views from Tsim Sha Tsui – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
4. 星光大道(Avenue of Stars)

Here is one of the most famous avenues in Hong Kong. There is the statue of Bruce Lee and many handprints of Hong Kong celebrities. ★We also can enjoy Symphony of Lights with listening to its music. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
〈投稿URL: Post URL〉
・昼景と詳細: Daytime photos and details
→【有名P】星光大道(アベニュー・オブ・スターズ)【Famous P】Avenue of Stars – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
・夜景: Night Photos
→【夜景/有名P】星光大道(アベニュー・オブ・スターズ)からの夜景【Night/Famous P】Night shots taken at Avenue of Stars – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
5. ICC Sky 100
〈概要: Summary〉
This is an observation deck in the ICC, that is the tallest building in Hong Kong.★
We can enjoy the views looking down the tall building on Hong Kong Island and the tall apartments on 九龍(Kowloon) side.(◍•ᴗ•◍)
〈投稿URL: Post URL〉
・夜景と詳細: Night photos and details
→【夜景/有名P】ICC SKY100からの夜景【Night/Famous P】Night views from ICC Sky 100 – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong
6. 中環(Central)の歩道橋: The pedestrian bridge at 中環(Central)
〈概要: Summary〉
This is the view from the pedestrian bridge at 中環(Central)
This famous angle can often be seen when we search Hong Kong photos. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
〈投稿URL: Post URL〉
・詳細: Details
→【昼夜/有名P】中環からのIFCの撮影【Night and day/Famous P】Seeing IFC at Central – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong