Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong



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【穴場】中環湾仔繞道東面排風口【Secret P】Central- Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft

【穴場】カラフルな古いマンションのある通り、美安街【Secret P】Mei On Street,which has colorful and old apartments

【香港のお寺】金色のお堂(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)南蓮園池と志蓮淨苑 天王殿【Hong Kong Temples】A golden hall. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery

【インスタP】インスタ映えで有名な歩道橋、志明橋【Instagaramable P】Jimmy Bridge, one of the most famous Instagaramable pedestrian bridge

【インスタP】元朗緑色隧道【Instagramable P】Yuen Long Green Tunnel(Time Tunnel, Space Tunnel)

【穴場】美しい螺旋階段とたくさんの鳥たち、百鳥塔【Secret P】Beautiful spiral stairs and many birds, Aviary Pagoda

【オリジナルP】海に立つ踏切的な図、水底碼頭【Original P】水底碼頭, something like a railroad crossing standing on the sea

【香港の山】絵は最高だが、危険度も最高!鸚鵡嘴石と自殺崖【Hong Kong Mountains】The most beautiful but most dangerous, Parrot Beak Rock and Suicide Cliff

【オリジナルP】特徴的な形のショッピングセンター、南昌戯院大廈【Original P】Unique shape shopping center, Nam Cheong Commercial Building

【香港散策】廟街と佐敦地区【Hong Kong Strolling】Temple st and Jordan District


© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén