Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナルP】ピークの穴場(1)☆【Original P】The secret point at Victoria Peak(1)☆

I found a secret photographing point on Victoria Peak, where we can take main 4 buildings nicely(^∀^)
I had happened to find this point in the past and loved but haven’t seen any photos from here, so, it should be embarrassing of me but I’d like to introduce this place as one of my original points.(^^)☆
And it is located just in a few minutes walk from The Peak Tower(^^)!

I really love these angles but should be only my preference, I’m really happy if someone likes it.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年3月19日/更新日ː 2022年11月03日)
(Last visitedː 13th March 2022/ Updatedː 3rd Nov 2022)

撮影画像のご紹介: Sample Photos
注意点: Attentions
アクセス: Access

■撮影画像のご紹介: Sample Photos
☆昼撮影: Daytime photo
★夕方~夜景: From twilight time to night
↑: 特に夜景の場合、こんな感じで主要な4ビル(ICC/IFC/IFC2/The Center)が手前に暗い建物がなく、綺麗に配置されて撮ることができます☆
↑: As you can see on it, especially night photos, we can take main 4 buildings (ICC/IFC/IFC2/The Center) nicely palced without any dark parts between we and them☆

Sky Terrace 428でこのあたりを撮影した画像と比較してみましょう☆
Let’s compare it with the photo taken at Sky Terrace 428 aiming same area☆
↑: Sky Terrace 428より。From Sky Terrace 428 aiming around these area
↑: このポイントで撮影したもの: Taken at this point

■注意点: Attentions
・車に注意: Be careful of the cars
This aisle is very narrow but some cars pass. If we place our tripods, they cannot pass through, please move them away as soon as when you find cars comming.
・虫: insects
During only short stay daytime in March, mosquites bited me a lot(;;) We must wear long sleeves and spray insect repellents especially long stay at nights.

■アクセス: Access

This point is located very near from The Peak Tower☆We can reach here only in around 3-5 minutes walk from The Peak Tower.
We can reach here within 10 minutes from bus stop.

I’d like to show you the way from The Peak Tower.
(Very easy☆)
↑: ライオンズ・パビリオンの時と同じように、ピークタワーの前の道を東へ進んでください。
↑: Same as the way to the Lion’s Pavilion, please go east on the way in front of The Peak Tower.
↑: ライオンズ・パビリオンを通過(もちろん寄ってもいいです☆)
↑: Please still go ahead from Lion’s Pavilion.(Of course you can drop in on there)
↑: そのまままっすぐ3~5分くらい歩きます。
↑: Please walk along the way about 3 to 5 minutes.
↑: T字路が見えてきたらもうすぐです☆
↑: You can reach soon to the point when you find T shaped corner☆
↑: T字路を左に曲がってください☆
↑: Please turn left at the T shape corner☆
↑: 曲がった目の前が撮影ポイントです(^∀^)☆
↑: Arrived☆ This point is just at beside the corner(^∀^)☆


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén