Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【夜景】ICC SKY100からの夜景【Night Views】The nights views from ICC Sky 100

現在ICC Sky100はコロナ対策で閉鎖中です。再オープンになりましたら(あと、気付いたら)記事にしてご連絡いたします。まだちゃんと昼や夕方の撮影をしていないので行きたいと思っています(^^;)
Now ICC Sky 100 is closed against coronavirus. I will inform you when it open again(And I aware of it). I need to visit there because I have not taken photos at daytime and twilight time(^^;)  

本日は香港で一番高いビル、ICCの100階にある展望台、ICC 天際100(ICC Sky 100)からの夜景についてご紹介します☆
Today I’d like introduce you to take night photos from an observation deck named ICC Sky100, which is on the tallest building in Hong Kong, ICC☆
↑: ICC Sky100はこの辺り☆
↑: ICC Sky 100 is located around here☆

ICC Sky100について: About ICC Sky100
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken from here
撮影時の注意: Attentions when you take photos
アクセス: Access

■ICC Sky100について: About ICC Sky100
現在ICC Sky100はコロナ対策で閉鎖中です。再オープンになりましたら(気付いたら)記事にしてご連絡いたします。まだちゃんと昼や夕方の撮影をしていないので(^^;)
Now ICC Sky 100 is closed against coronavirus. I will inform you when it open again(And I aware of it). I need to visit there because I have not taken photos at daytime and twilight time(^^;) 

ICC Sky100(天際100)は490メートルの高さで、香港で一番高いビルで世界で7番目に高い、ICC、環球貿易廣場(International Commercial Centre)の100階にある展望台です。香港島で一番高いIFC(415.8メートルで世界で9番目の高さ)のビルよりも高いので、香港島側の撮影をしたとき、見下ろすような感じになります☆
ICC Sky100(天際100) is an observation deck on 100th floor in ICC(環球貿易廣場(International Commercial Centre)), which is the tallest building in Hong Kong and the 7th tallest building in the world. It is 490m high and higher than IFC, which is 415.8m high and second tallest building in Hong Kong and the tallest one on Hong Kong island. It being higher than IFC, we can look down whole Hong Kong island☆

料金: Fares
⇒Please see this page⇒
開館時間(HPより): Opening Hours(According to its HP)
毎日11:00 – 20:00 (最終入館時間: 19:30)
Everyday11:00 – 20:00 (Last entry: 19:30)
※I guess this opening hour is the one before its temporary closure against coronavirus because I could take photos a little after Symphony of Lights, so the past closure time was around 20:30 I guess.

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken from here ↑: 個人的にはこの辺りが一番好きです☆空撮でヘリに乗らなくても、こんな高い目線でIFCが撮影できます☆
↑: This is just my opinion, I love this shot the best☆ We can look down IFC from this high position without any helicopters chartered☆

↑↑: 香港島側の撮影
↑↑: Seeing Hong Kong island side

↑: 九龍の一部と香港島
↑: A part of Kowloon side and Hong Kong island

↑↑↑: 香港島反対側、九龍サイドや新界側の撮影☆
↑↑↑: Seeing opposite side from Hong Kong island, seeing Kowloon side and New territory side☆
↑: 先ほど3枚のうちの1枚目の画像をトリミングです☆このあたりの絵も好きです☆
↑: Trimming the 1st of last 3 photos☆ I love this shot as well☆

↓↓…..I have some photos taken here but just for your information because they were taken under bad conditions. I came here then just for checking this place for some reason.
I will visit on the day with good conditions after it re-open and report it. Please wait a moment(><)


■撮影時の注意: Attention when you take photos
・映り込み: Reflection of inside
We taking photos from inside, there are many reflections especially night time. Without any equipment against them and trying to find the places without or less of them, there must be only a few place you can take clear photos. I recommend you to bring unti-reflection covers or, if not, black cloth.
・閉館時間: Closure time
We can see the closure time is 20:00 on its HP but I remember I could stay here short time after Symphony of Lights so I believe the closure time was around 20:30 in the past. Anyway, there must be only short time to take photos other part after Symphony of Lights, we should finish taking them before Symphony of Lights. But if we come back just before Symphony of Lights, somebody may stay our best position, we need to be careful of this as well(^^;)

■アクセス: Access

ICC being linked to Kowloon station on Tung Chung line, I’d like to show you how to reach to ICC Sky100 from Kowloon station.

↑↑: 改札を出たら、正面のELEMENTSへのエスカレーターを登ってください(改札は一つしかないです☆)
↑↑: Please take the escalator to ELEMENTS in front of the ticket gate.(Ticket is only one☆)

↑: エスカレーターを上がったら右方向へお進みください。ICC Sky100の案内もあります☆
↑: Please go to right side after you go  up the escalators. You can see the sign to ICC Sky100☆

とにかく案内に『ICC Sky100』の表示があれば大丈夫です
You are on the right way if you can see 『ICC Sky100』on the guides.

↑: 少し歩くと案内所があるので、その角を右です
↑: After a few minutes walk, you can find a information desk on the corner, please turn RIGHT on it.

↑↑: 少し道なりに進みます
↑↑: Please go ahead for a moment.

↑: コンコースに出るので、左奥のエスカレーターを登ったら、もう少しです☆
↑: You can reach to a concourse, please go up the escalators on the left ahead, you can get to ICC Sky100 soon☆

↑: 先ほどのエスカレータを登ったところです。奥に見えるエスカレータの脇にICC Sky100の入り口があります☆
↑: This is the view you can see after go up that escalators, you can see the entrance of ICC Sky100 at left beside the escalators on ahead☆

↑: 着きました☆
↑: Now we’ve arrived☆

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén