Today I’d like to introduce one of famous angles at 中環(Central). (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I believe many readers may have seen below kind of photos when they search Hong Kong photos. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
(最終訪問: 2022年6月26日/更新: 2025年1月2日)
(Last visit on 26th June 2022/ Updated on 2nd January 2025)
・この場所について: About this place
・撮影画像: Sample photos
・撮影条件: Conditions
・注意事項: Attentions
・アクセス: Access
・関連投稿: Related posts
■この場所について: About this place
This photo was taken at the pedestrian bridge located at 中環(Central). (◍•ᴗ•◍)
位置的には、MTR中環(Central)駅とMTR上環(Sheung Wan)駅の真ん中くらいです。
It is located at the middle of MTR中環(Central) station and MTR上環(Sheung Wan) station.
And this pedestrian bridge links to the pedestrian deck to IFC2 where one of Hong Kong station exits in it.
■撮影画像: Sample photos
・昼撮影: Daytime photos
・夜撮影: Night photos
■撮影条件: Conditions
This photo was taken with 24mm
Only only a bit tilt adjustment could been available…
If you want to do enough tilt adjustment, I believe, you may need to take with wider lenses.
I will try again in the future. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
■注意事項: Attentions
Better not visit on Sundays and HK Holidays
This place being located in the downtown areas, there should not be any particular attentions except one.
Some readers who have already been Hong Kong several times may already known that, such places that have roofs will be a kind of festival venue for Philippina on Sundays and HK Holidays. This place must be badly occupied with them, in daytime, it must be impossible to even reach the fences, I believe.(・∀・)💦
At night, it must depend on how their festivals are going on. (・∀・)💦
まぁ、平日の方がビルの明かりも多いですしね( ꈍᴗꈍ)
If you want to take photos well, I recommend you to come on weekdays. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
We can see more lights on the buildings on HK weekdays. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Please be careful not to drop things to the below road or sidewalks.
This must be a basic common sense that such place, please be careful not to drop things to road or sidewalks.
■アクセス: Access
⇩This pedestrian bridge is located here. (◍•ᴗ•◍)⇩地図だけで申し訳ないですが、いろんなアクセス方法があるので、皆様の出発地点から一番便利なルートをお選びください(◍•ᴗ•◍)
Sorry for placing only map information but there are several routes, I hope toy can select the best one from where you start. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
・MTR中環(Central)駅: MTR中環(Central) station
About 7,8 minutes’ walk from 【Exit B】
・MTR香港(Hong Kong)駅: MTR香港(Hong Kong) station
About 5 minutes’ walk from 【Exit D/E】
・MTR上環(Sheung Wan)駅: MTR上環(Sheung Wan) station
About 6, 7 minutes’ walk from 【Exit A】
・トラム西行: Trams to west
→機利文街(Gilman Street)停留所から徒歩数分
A few minutes’ walk from 機利文街(Gilman Street) stop
・トラム東行: Trams to east
→機利文街(Gilman Street)停留所から徒歩数分
A few minutes’ walk from 機利文街(Gilman Street) stop
We can access the pedestrian bridge by using the escalators in this building
・バス: Buses
バスは近くにバス停があり過ぎなので、割愛m(_ _)m
There being so many nearby stops, so,,,please let me give up placing bus information. m(_ _)m