Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【穴場】中環湾仔繞道東面排風口【Secret P】Central- Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft

本日は、香港島の天后沖(Tin Hau)にある、中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)をご紹介します。(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Today I’d like to introduce 中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft), which is located on offshore 天后(Tin Hau) on Hong Kong Island.

Its shape being so unique that, I believe, many people are interested in it. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

I’ve been there only once at night, I’m going to post again when I visit in daytime. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)💦
(最終訪問: 2022年3月29日/更新: 2024年9月1日)
(Last visit on 29th March 2022/ Updated on 1st September 2024)

中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)について
: About 中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)
撮影画像: Sample photos
注意事項: Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連投稿: Related posts

■中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)について
: About 中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)
中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)は香港島の天后(Tin Hau)沖のビクトリア湾にある海底トンネルの排気塔です。この海底トンネルは中環湾仔繞道(Central-Wanchai Bypass)の一部です。
中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft) is a vent shaft of an undersea highway tunnel. This undersea tunnel is a part of the highway named 中環湾仔繞道(Central-Wanchai Bypass).

中環湾仔繞道(Central-Wanchai Bypass) は2019年1月に開通した香港島の上環(Sheung Wan)付近と炮台山(Fortress Hill) を結ぶバイパス道路です。この海底トンネルのおかげて繁華街である中環(Central)〜銅鑼湾(Causeway Bay)を避けることができます。
中環湾仔繞道(Central-Wanchai Bypass) is a bypass highway which opened in Jan 2019 to connect 上環(Sheung Wan) and 炮台山(Fortress Hill) on Hong Kong Island. Thanks to this undersea tunnel, we can detour the busiest areas, from 中環(Central) to 銅鑼湾(Causeway Bay).

中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft)の形は大変美しいです。(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
The shape of 中環湾仔繞道東面排風口(Central-Wanchai Bypass East Vent Shaft) is quite nice. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

遊歩道で側まで行ける他、遊歩道や周辺も公園としてきれいに整備されており、地元の方々の憩いの場になっています。(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
There is a promenade which leads us beside it and nearby areas are well maintained, many local people enjoy staying there. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

■撮影画像: Sample photos

■注意事項: Attentions
It being located near downtown areas, except general attentions, there should not be especial attentions for staying there, I believe.

Please visit below page for referring general attentions for taking photos. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
To the attentions

Please do not drop yourself or your belongings into the sea or gaps.
There are no handrails on some parts of the promenade, and you can reach to the sea by waking on the breakwater. There are some deep gaps between the rocks which compose the breakwater. Please be careful not to drop yourself into the sea or your belongings into the gaps when you stay beside or on the breakwater.

Please take care for the people around
It may depend on the day or the time, but many people may come here.
(I got surprised when I see here on the Google maps street views. w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w)
So, please take care of the people around and not to occupy the place for long time.

I’m happy if you can act more carefully. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍)

■アクセス: Access

アクセスは最寄のMTR炮台山(Fortress Hill) 駅から徒歩のルートをご案内します。
I’d like to introduce the way, walking from the nearest MTR station, 炮台山(Fortress Hill).
★全体図★whole map★
Please go out the station from 【Exit A】
②駅を出たら、目の前の大通り(英皇道(Kings Road))を左(西南方向)へ進んでください
After you going out the station, please turn left and go along with the road (英皇道(Kings Road)) in front of you to southwest side.
Please across the road at the first traffic light
The stairs which can be seen on the mountain side of this traffic light is also nice. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
After you crossing the traffic light, please go along with the road for a block on your left.
Please across the first traffic light and turn left.
⑥こちらの通り(電氣街(Electric Street))を通りが左にカーブするあたりまで進んでください(右側3ブロック)
Please go along with this street (電氣街(Electric Street)) for 3 right side blocks until the traffic light which is located on the left curve.
⑦こちらの交差点を右方向(屈臣道(Watson Road))へ曲がってください
Please turn right (into 屈臣道(Watson Road))at this traffic light.
Please go along with the street until the end.
Please go under the road bridge.
After you going under the road bridge, you can reach to the park.
(You’ve almost arrived at the point,,,)
Please go to left until the end of this park.
Now you’ve arrived at the entrance of the promenade. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)!

■関連投稿: Related posts

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén