Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナルP】特徴的な形のショッピングセンター、南昌戯院大廈【Original P】Unique shape shopping center, Nam Cheong Commercial Building

前回の投稿で有名な南山邨(Nam Shan Estate)をご紹介しましたので、本日は近くにある形が特徴的なショッピングセンターをご紹介します(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
As I introduced on the last post about a famous photographing point, 南山邨(Nam Shan Estate). As it being near it, I’d like to inform about a unique shaped shopping center. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

実際私も南山邨(Nam Shan Estate)に行ったときに石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai)駅周辺を散策しているときに偶然見つけました☆個人的には、香港の建物らしくてすごく好きです(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)★
Actually, I happened to find it when I was strolling around 石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai) station on the day I visited 南山邨(Nam Shan Estate). As for my preferences, I really love its Hong Kong like shapes. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)★

It having been back to the sun light when I visited there, I’m planning to visit and post the photos again. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) PLEASE WAIT FOR A MOMENT
(最終訪問: 2020年7月5日/更新: 2024年5月4日)
(Last Visit 5th July 2020/ Update: 4th May 2024)

南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)について
About 南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)
撮影画像: The photos taken
アクセス: Access
関連投稿: Related Posts

■南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)について:
About 南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)
南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)は石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai)駅近くにあるショッピングセンターです。低層部がショッピングセンターで、上層部が居住区のようです。居住区の形が香港らしくて素敵です★
南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building) is a shopping center located near 石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai) station. Its lower floors are commercial areas and upper floors are resident areas. The shapes of the resident areas are quite nice★

・撮影環境: Photographing conditions
As you can know by this Google Street view, we need to take it with looking up from the sidewalk across from it. Considering adjusting low angles afterwards, we should use wider lenses.
↑: 向かいのマンションの敷地内からだと、照明やら木々やらできれいには撮れません
↑:  It should be impossible to take clearly due to the lights and trees from the apartment standing on opposite side.


■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑: 24mmであおり調整なし
↑: Taken with 24mm and before low angle adjustments
↑: あおり調整後
↑: After low angle adjustments
↑: ビルを南側から
↑: Taking its south side

・近くで撮影した他の画像: Other photos taken nearby

■アクセス: Access

アクセスは石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai)駅の【出口C】からの徒歩の行き方をご案内します
As for its access, I’d like to introduce the way from 【Exit C】 of  石硤尾(Shek Kip Mai) station.
It is located quite near the station.  (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

①南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)と南山邨(Nam Shan Estate)の位置関係および駅からの行き方は下記のとおりです
The locations of 南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building) and 南山邨(Nam Shan Estate), and the way from the station is as on below map.
After you go out the station from 【Exit C】, please turn right and go along the street on the right sidewalk for a moment.
③最初の信号のある交差点が、南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)のある交差点です☆
The first traffic light is the one with 南昌戯院大廈(Nam Cheong Commercial Building)☆

■関連投稿: Related Posts
<近くの撮影ポイント: Nearby points>
【有名ポイント】インスタ映えで有名なマンション、南山邸【Famous P】One of Instagaramable apartments, Nam Shan Estate – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (

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テーマの著者 Anders Norén