Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


太平山(Victoria Peak)からの風景:The views from Victoria Peak

前回のKowloon Public Pierと同じく、香港の写真撮影ではこちらも基本中の基本ですが、今回は太平山(Victoria Peak)からの風景をご紹介します☆
Same as Kowloon Public Pier, which I posted last time, it should be one of the basic points of Hong Kong photographing, I want to introduce you the views from Victoria Peak☆

★関連記事: Related Post☆
→【夜景】太平山(Victoria Peak)からの夕景~夜景: 【Night View】The sunsets and nights views from Victoria Peak

↑: The Peak Tower

We can see around Hong Kong island and Victoria Harbour from here. Especially the night views are world famous as 1 million night view☆
Today I want to show you the famous 2 points☆
Sky Terrace 428(有料: Paid area)
獅子亭(ライオンズパビリオン)(無料): Lions Pavilion(Free area)
オススメ時間帯: Best Visiting Time
レンズ: Lenses
注意事項: Attentions
アクセス: Access
ピークタワーのその他の施設: Other Entertainments in Peak Tower

Sky Terrace 428(ピークタワー展望台)(有料)
: Sky Terrace 428(Peak Tower observation deck)(Paid area)
ピークにそびえるピークタワーの展望台、Sky Terrace 428からの撮影です。香港島のビル群およびビクトリア湾が一望できます。有料ですが、高い目線で手前を遮るものなくこれらの景色を一望できます。
Taking photos from Sky Terrace 428, the observation deck on Peak Tower constructed on the peak. You can see the tower buildings on Hong Kong Island and around the Victoria Haubour. Here being paid area but you can take photos without any obstacles in front of you.
The views from here are famous as 1 million night views☆

開館時間(Opening Hour): (平日: Mon-Fri)10:00~22:00
                                                (土日休: Sat, Sun, Holidays)8:00~22:00
料金(Fares)※: HKD52.00(大人: Adult)/HKD26.00(子供: Child)

☆ピークトラムとセット: Buy with Peak Tram tickets☆
片道(Single): HKD84.00(大人:Adalt)/HKD47.00(子供:Child)
往復(Round): HKD99.00(大人:Adalt)/HKD38.00(子供:Child)
※2020年7月現在: At the time of July 2020

↑↑: Sky Terrace 428からは香港島の反対側もよく見えます。
↑↑: We can see the opposite side of Hong Kong island well from Sky Terrace 428.

②獅子亭(ライオンズパビリオン)(無料): Lions Pavilion(Free area)
Just walking a few minutes to east on the road in front of the Peak Tower, you can find a small observation deck named Lions Pavilion. This spot is free area and opens 24 hours so you can come here freely at anytime. Due to the lower than that of on the peak tower, some trees may show in your photos.

↑↑↑: 場所はThe Peak Towerの前の道を東へ徒歩1分のごく至近です☆
↑↑↑: Lions Pavilion is located just 1 minute walk on the path in front of The Peak Tower☆

■オススメ時間帯: Best Visiting Time
We see the views from west side, if you want to take photos of building with the sunlight following to them, you should come here in the afternoon I believe. Of course taking sunrise with buildings is also nice.
The sun moving behind of us in winter, I believe sunlight are better in winter compared in summer.

夜景が有名なポイントですので、夜も大変オススメです。なお、ICC(ビクトリア湾の対岸にある香港で一番高いビル)の光のショーが22:00まで、IFC(香港島で一番手前の高いビル)のてっぺんの照明が23:00までですので、夜景が綺麗に撮れるのも22:00までだと思います。Here being very famous for nights views, I really recommend you to come here at night. The light shows on ICC (The highest building in Hong Kong across from Victoria Haubour) end at 22:00, the top lights on IFC (The highest building on Hong Kong island) stop at 23:00 so the best night photographing time should be until 22:00.

■レンズ: lenses
I mainly use 24-120mm for photographing so the widest you can see among my photos are 24mm.

■注意事項: Attentions
・マナー: Manners
有名な観光地なので他にも人がたくさん来ています。特にSky Terrace 428では、長時間の場所の占領は控えた方がいいと思います。一番東側の角は人気なので順番待ちになることもあります。長時間いたい場合は、何度か場所を譲った方がいいと思います。
Here being very famous sight seeing spot, many people come here. Especially at Sky Terrace 428, we should take care of other people and refrain from keeping places long time. The east corner of there is very popular we may wait for long time sometimes, if you want to stay there long time, please give other people sometimes.

↑: 一番東の角はいつも人気です
↑: The east corner is always very popular.

・蚊(およびその他の虫): Insects
Sky Terrace 428は地面から高いのであまりいませんが、ライオンズパビリオンあたりは山の中なので、蚊を含めた虫もいますので、虫除けはあった方がいいと思います。
Sky Terrace 428 being high from the ground, we do not need to concern badly but there are many insects such as mosquitos around Lions Pavilion because it is in the forest. We need to prepare insects repellents when we go there.

■ピークタワーのその他の施設: Other Entertainments in the Peak Tower
↑: The Peak Tower の内部
↑: Inside of The Peak Tower.

①マダム・タッソー: Madame Tussauds
There are over 100 actual size figures of world famous people. You can touch, hug and take photos with them. According to the comments from the people who tried, there are well made. ←I have not tried?←Why not?(-_-)?
↑↑: 入り口付近の画像です。
↑↑: These are the photos around its entrance.

②ピーク郵便局: Peak Post office
It is located just in front of Madame Tussauds entrance. There are 356 mailboxes with the 365 dates. They will send your mails on the day.

Free entertainment corner with a kind of 3D trick arts?
(It was closed when I visited)

④各種レストラン: Restaurants

↑: 景色のいいレストランがたくさんあります☆
↑: We can find restaurants where we can enjoy nice views from them☆

↑: なぜか日本的なレストランを発見(^^;)スターフェリーの埠頭なんかもそうですが、香港の観光地には日本の専門店を見かけることが多いです(笑)
↑: I could find Japanese taste restaurant(^^;)Same as at Star Ferry piers, I could find some Japanese goods shops around sightseeing spots in Hong Kong(^^;)

■アクセス: Access

I’d like to show you the way to The Peak Tower from MTR 中環 (Central) station
(1)ピークトラム: Peak Trams
⇒定番: The standard sightseeing way
(Attention)Will be suspended from summer 2020 to early 2021 due to the construction works for replacing cars to larger.  
(2)バス(15番): Bus(No.15)
⇒行くまでのバスからの景色を楽しみたい方: To the people who want to enjoy the views from the bus on the way.
(3)ミニバス: Mini Bus
⇒香港に慣れた方限定: only to the people who are familiar with Hong Kong
To the people who arrive 中環(Central) from Tsim Sha Tsui by Star Ferry or the people who want to take the front seat of the No. 15 bus.

(1)ピークトラム: Peak Trams
I believe this way should be the standard way to Victoria Peak. There is a cable car line named Peak Trams from 中環(Central) to Victoria Peak. We can reach Victoria Peak in 10 minutes. You can enjoy sight seeing feeling with them. The peak station is a part of the Peak Tower, I recommend this way who come to Hong Kong first time.

However we sometimes need to wait for over one hour before even buying tickets especially on weekends and holidays.(I actually encountered that long lines over 1 hour in the past) We need to walk long way from 中環(Central), we should try buses at crowded times, such as afternoon on holidays and on weekends.

Aiming to be completed in early 2021, they are now under construction processing for replacing cars to larger. According to their plan, they will be suspended from summer 2020 to early 2021. After construction works completed, waiting time expected to be reduced to 30%☆  

⇩I’d like to show the way to the Peak Tram station from 中環(Central) station

★中環 駅からは出口『J2』から出てください★
★Please go out 中環(Central) station from 『Exit J2』
↑: J2出口を出たら公園ですので、公園を通り抜けてください
↑: You can find a park when you go out from Exit J2, please go through the park.
↑: 公園を抜けたら信号があるので横断歩道を渡ってください。渡った先にある信号も渡ってください。(2回信号を渡ります)
↑: You can find a traffic light after you go through the park, please across it and please right across the next traffic light.(We need to across 2 traffic lights)

↑: 信号を2回渡った先は坂になっていますので、坂をしばらく上ってください。
↑: You can find a slope after across 2 traffic lights, please go along with it for a moment.

↑: Peak Tramの駅の案内が見えてきました☆
↑: We can see the sing of the station☆
↑: チケットを買いましょう☆
↑: Let’s buy the tickets☆
※This photo is the temporary ticket kiosk related to the construction works.
↑↑↑: 2020年7月のものですが、現在車両を大型化するため、駅を工事中ですので、案内に沿って、ホームへ向かってください。
↑↑↑: These photos were taken on July 2020. Now the station is under extension construction for tram cars replacement for larger cars. Please go to the plat form along with the guides.

↑↑: トラムの車内
↑↑: Inside the tram cars
↑: トラムからの車窓
↑: The view from tram

(2)バス(15番): Bus(No.15)
I usually take No.15 bus to go to The Peak Tower.
The last stop of them is the peak. The fist stop is at the 中環(Central) Star Ferry Pier but it stops at 中環(Central). It also stops at 金鐘(Admiralty) and 灣仔(Wan Chai), and go up the long steeps to the peak. if there are no traffic jams, it should take around 30 to 40 minutes. We can enjoy the views from the bus, I recommend you to take the front seat or, if you cannot, to take right side seats.
The fare is HKD10.3(At the time of July 2020)

↓The route of No.15 bus(From App of the bus company)↓

Then I’d like to show you the way to the 中環(Central) bus terminal from 中環(Central) station.

↑: 中環のバスターミナルは駅から少し離れているので、上の矢印に従って、駅から向かってください。駅はA出口から出てください。
↑: 中環(Central) bus terminal is a little far from 中環(Central) station. Please for there along with the arrows on the map. Please go out the station from EXIT A.
↑: A出口を出て、歩道橋を上がったところからの画像です。
↑: This is the view from the footbridge which is just beside EXIT A.
↑: バス停に着いたところです。やや真ん中あたりです。15番の数字がついて案内小屋があるので、それを目印にしてください。
↑: This is the view of the bus terminal. No.15 is located around the canter of the stops. You can find a guide cabin.
↑: 案内小屋です。15番の数字が貼ってあります☆
↑: This is the guide cabin. The number 15 is attached☆
↑: バス停です。番号を確認しましょう。
↑: This is the stop of No.15 bus.
↑↑↑: バスの車内からの画像です。バスだと道中もいろいろ景色を楽しめます。一番前か、右側の席がおすすめです。
↑↑↑: These are the views from the bus. We can enjoy the views from the bus. I recommend you to take the front seats or right side seats.

↑: 終点がピークのバスターミナルなので、終点まで乗りましょう。バスを降りたら、進行方向にある階段を上ってください。
↑: The last stop is the goal. After the bus arrived, please go up the stairs which you can find when you see forward.

↑: 階段を登ったらThe Peak Towerの正面です。
↑: Just go up the stairs you can at the front of The Peak  Tower

(3)ミニバス: Mini Bus
It is often said that even Hong Kong local people do not take mini buses where they are not familiar with the bus stops. Of course I do not show the accesses with them on this HP.
However when we go to the peak from 中環(Central), we take them at the first stop and get off at the last stop, this means we do not need to do the most difficult action, asking drivers to stop the bus. So I’d like to place the information for “Trying mini buses”
The fares is HKD10.20, almost same as that of normal buses. Mini buses go up to the peak on the direct way, it take only around 10 – 15 minutes.

↑↑: 中環の停留所は、非常に分かり伝いのですが、IFC2のビルの海側に入り口があります。
↑↑: It must be quite difficult to find the bus stop at 中環(Central). It is located at the ground floor of seaside of IFC 2.


To the people who arrive 中環(Central) from Tsim Sha Tsui by Star Ferry or the people who want to take the front seat of the No. 15 bus.
I have already explained you how to take No.15 bus from 中環(Central) station however No.15 is a tourist route, front seats must be fill up soon. Fortunately, 中環(Central) bus stop is just second stop, you can walk to the first stop and try to be the first passenger.

The first stop is located beside the Star Ferry Pier from 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) . If you are now around 九龍公眾碼頭(Kowloon Public Pier), you do not need to walk to MTR station and take MTR(you need to change the lines to go to 中環), taking star ferry is easier and fun☆, so I’d like to inform you of this way.

↑: どうせ行くなら一番前から迫力のある景色を見たいものです。
↑: Let’s try to get front seats!
↑: 中環駅からだと、ほぼまっすぐ歩道橋を5分ほど歩くだけです。スターフェリーで尖沙咀から来た人は、降りた目の前がバスターミナルです。
↑:  From 中環(Central) station, you can just walk around 5 minutes on  on the footbridges. If you come from 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) by Star Ferry, the bus stop is beside the pier.

↑↑:(注意: こちらの画像は中環の駅から向かった場合の画像です)つながった一連の2種類の歩道橋を歩きます。夏でも雨でも屋根がずっとあるので大変便利です。
↑↑: (Attention: These photos are for the people who come from 中環(Central) station)You just walk around 5 minutes on the connected 2 types of long footbridges.  Thanks to the roofs, we can be feel at ease even in summer and on the rainy days.
↑: スターフェリーの埠頭に入る手前で左に曲がって、歩道橋から降りてください。
↑: Please turn left and go down the stairs located on the entrance of the pier.
↑↑: 降りた先、タクシー乗り場の奥にバス停があります。15番のバス停を探して、15番のラインに並びましょう。
↑↑: You can find the stop of the No.15 at the back of taxi stand. Please wait the line of No.15.
↑: バスが来ました(^^)☆
↑: The bus has come(^^)☆
↑: 一番前ゲットーーー☆



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テーマの著者 Anders Norén