Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【昼撮】たくさんの密集した船と高層マンション②【Daytime】Lots of anchored ships and tall apartments②

たくさんの密集した船と高層マンション2回目の本日は香港仔(Aberdeen)側からの撮影をご紹介します(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
This is the second post of the densely anchored ships and tall apartments. Today I’d like to introduce the photos taken at 香港仔(Aberdeen) side. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

利東(Lei Tung)側からと比べたら撮影範囲は狭いですが、趣のある市場があったりします(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
This side is smaller than 利東(Lei Tung) side but we can see small markets which have nice atmosphere. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
(最終訪問日ː 2022年4月29日/更新日ː 2023年10月16日)
(Last visitedː 29th April 2022/ Updatedː 16th Oct 2023)

説明の一部は1回目の投稿にもあるので、合わせてご覧いただけば幸いです(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Some introductions of this area were placed on the last post, I’m happy if you can refer to it.
To the last post.

撮影場所について: About this photographing area
撮影画像: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
アクセス: Access
注意事項: Attentions
関連投稿: Related posts

■撮影場所について: About this photographing area
今回の撮影場所は、前回の利東(Lei Tung)の対岸の香港仔(Aberdeen)というエリアになります。
Today’s spot is named 香港仔(Aberdeen), where is opposite side of the sea from 利東(Lei Tung), where I introduced on last post.
こちらも、海沿いは遊歩道になっています。利東(Lei Tung) 側よりは範囲は広くありませんが、趣のある市場があったりします。また、同じく、トイレや自販機、木陰にベンチもあるので、比較的居心地はいいと思います(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
There also a promenade along with coast side. It is smaller than that of on 利東(Lei Tung) side but there are some small markets whose atmosphere is nice. And, there also are some toilets, vender machines, benches and tree shades, you can stay at ease. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

The views of the promenade are as below.
(A)東側: East end
(B)真ん中辺り: The middle of it
(C)西側: West end

■撮影画像: The photos taken
(※)The photos placed from west side to east side. 
↑↑↑↑↑↑:  停まっている船を高層マンションをバックに(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑↑:  Seeing the anchored ships with tall apartments back. (^^)
↑↑↑↑↑:  船にフォーカスして(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑:  Focusing to the ships (^^)
↑: 利東(Lei Tung)側から乗ってきたフェリーです
↑: This ship the ferry which we came here from 利東(Lei Tung) side.
↑↑↑:  西側は他地域へのフェリー乗り場や市場などがあります
↑↑↑:  On the west side, we can see ferry piers to other areas and small markets.
↑: 小さいですが市場もあります
↑: They being small, but we can see some markets.
(It is so small that we should not come here only to take market photos.)
↑: 趣のある、何かの入り口(^^)
↑:  A gate with nice atmosphere to some structures.(^^)
(I should have looked into inside from it)

■撮影条件: Conditions
・レンズ: Lenses
All photos placed on this post are taken with my 24-120mm
・光線: Sunlight
As of the sun lights, actually the best visit time, should depend on each preference.
Please refer the reasons to the last post.

■アクセス: Access
(To) The way from 中環(Central) to 香港仔(Aberdeen)
(Back)The way back from 香港仔(Aberdeen) to 中環(Central)

We need to walk long times (,,,not a kind of distance we can walk(⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)⁠) from nearest MTR station, I’d like to introduce by buses for when you directly come.

There are lots of bus lines from each district in Hong Kong, sorry but I’d like to introduce No.70 from 中環(Central) because its first stop can be easily found.

または、(やったことはないですが)、70番やその他のバスも最寄りの黄竹坑(Wong Chuk Hang)駅の前も通るので、駅降りて目の前をやってきたバスに乗るということもできると思います。
Or,,,(I’d never tried this way but), you can get off at 黄竹坑(Wong Chuk Hang) station and change to the buses which you can take near the station. No.70 also goes on the street near station.

初めてのバスでは降りるタイミングを間違えるというリスクがあるので、もしこの辺りの撮影初めてに来られるなら、MTR利東(Lei Tung)駅で降りて、利東(Lei Tung)側の撮影の後、フェリーでこちら側に来て、(※)70番のバスで中環に戻るのがいろいろバスの車窓も楽しるし、安全だと思います。
(The most recommendable should be,,,,)
I believe there must be some risks getting off wrong at stops when we use buses. In case for these risks, when you come to these areas, I’d like to recommend you come by MTR (get off 利東(Lei Tung station), visit 利東(Lei Tung) side first and move 香港仔(Aberdeen) side by ferries and come back to downtown areas by buses with enjoying the views from bus.

(To) The way from 中環(Central) to 香港仔(Aberdeen)
★The route of No.70 is as below☆

The bus stop at 中環(Central) is here
The bus stop at 中環(Central) is as below.

You can get on No.70 at platform F.

11番目の【Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market, Aberdeen Praya Road】です
(※)一応10番目の【Aberdeen Promenade, Aberdeen Praya Road】でも大丈夫です
The bus stop we get off is as below
【Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market, Aberdeen Praya Road】, the 11th stop
(※)the 【Aberdeen Promenade, Aberdeen Praya Road】is also OK.

When you get off the bus, you can find this gate sooner.(^^)

帰りに70番で中環(Central)へ戻る場合に道路の向こう側へ渡る地下道の入り口や、対岸の利東(Lei Tung)側へフェリーで向かう場合のフェリー乗り場が、10番の停留所の近くにあるので、11番で降りて撮影しながら10番方向へ向かった方(西側から東側へ向かう方)が戻らなくて済むから
(※)Why we get off at 11th stop not 10th stop??
The entrance of the subway to the return stop (No.70 to 中環(Central)) and the ferry pier to 利東(Lei Tung) side are located near No.10 stop, if we get off at 11th stop, taking photos from west (No.11) side to east (No.10 ) side, we do not need to go back.

(Back)The way back from 香港仔(Aberdeen) to 中環(Central)
Near the viaduct, you can find the entrance of the subway which leads you to the opposite side.
Please go through and go out the subway from left side exit, you can find bus stops in front of you.

Below is the view you can see just after you go out the subway. The stop of No.70 is at left end.

■注意事項: Attentions
Taking photos on wide promenades, there are not particular attentions I believe.
(Some part none) There are many trees and some vender machines, you do not need to be worried about shades and waters on hot days.
You can find 2 toilets.

Almost same as last post, please be careful to the mosquitoes.

■関連投稿: Related posts
利東(Lei Tung)側の撮影
Information of 利東(Lei Tung) side
The night photos around this area. (Now under preparing)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén