Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナル P】高層ビルが高層マンションに囲まれる“ような”図【Original P】A view a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments

☆I went to Hong Kong in Nov 2022, I replaced almost all photos and updated the context★

It must be long time from the last time, today’s point is my original point☆
I had happened to find this point in the past and loved but haven’t seen any photos from here, so, it should be embarrassing of me but I’d like to introduce this place as one of my original points.(^^)私の好きな構図ですが完全に私の主観なので、気に入っていただける方がいらっしゃれば嬉しいです。
I really love these angles but should be only my preference, I’m really happy if someone likes it.なお、いつもとは違い撮影には望遠レンズまたは、編集時にトリミングが必要になります。
Anyway then, not same as usual, zooming lens are necessary when you take photos or photos are needed to be trimmed when you edit them.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年11月18日/更新日ː 2022年12月18日)
(Last visitedː 18th Nov 2022/ Updatedː 18th Dec 2022)概要ː Overview
撮影場所についてː About this point
2つのポイントとその他の構図ː 2 points and other angles
撮影画像: The photos taken
撮影条件ː Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts■概要ː Overview

Lots of tall apartments are standing in Hong Kong, the photos filled only with apartment windows must be really nice for expressing Hong Kong. I feel like looking for such angles when I find mass of apartments.ヘッダー画像やタイトルの通りですが、今日ご紹介する場所は、そんなマンションの窓でいっぱいの写真が撮れるだけでなく、高層ビルがさらに高い高層マンションに囲まれた“ような”写真が撮れる場所です。
As you can know by the header photo and the title of this post, we can take not only apartment windows shots but also the shots that a tall building “SEEMS LIKE TO BE” surrounded by taller apartments.真ん中の高層ビルが主役になり、周りの高層マンションの高さを更に引き立てているように思います(^^) 
The center blue tall building plays the leading part and is emphasizing the heights of surrounding apartments.(^^)さて、なぜ、囲まれた“ような”と表現するかというと、下のGoogle Mapsのストリートビューの通りですが、真ん中の青い建物、確かに高層ビルではありますが、実際は横にかなり広くて、見えているのは一部なんですね(笑)なので、立ち位置によって見え方、特に緑の模様の見え方が違います。(模様は木のようです)
Anyway then, the reason why I expressed as 『“SEEMS LIKE TO BE” surrounded by taller apartments. 』, it can be seen by the below street view of Google Maps, of course it should be a tall building, it is much wider than taller. The blue buildings we can see is a part of it. So, we can see it differently from other places, especially the green pattern on it. (The green pattern seems like a tree)周辺を歩きながら立ち位置も変えて、いろんな表情をさがすのも楽しいかもしれません。
It may be fun to walk around to find other angles of it.
↑↑ː 実際にあります☆ちょっと離れるので、別ポイントとして、また改めてご紹介する予定です(^^)
↑↑: There actually is another point☆ but it should be a little far from today’s point, I may introduce it on other post later.(^^)

■撮影場所についてː About this point

撮影場所は青衣(Tsing Yi)駅のすぐ近くのこんな場所です。ビルの上のバス停の脇といった感じです。対岸の荃灣( Tsuen Wan)の高層マンション群を望遠レンズで撮る感じになります
This photographing point is near 青衣(Tsing Yi) station and like as below. It seems like beside a bus terminal on the building. We take the mass of tall apartments on 荃灣( Tsuen Wan) with zooming lens across from the sea.

■2つのポイントとその他の構図ː 2 points and other angles
高層マンション群をズームで撮る以外にも、もちろん全体を撮影するなど他のいろんな構図も楽しめます。荃灣西( Tsuen Wan West)にある有名な ニナタワーも見えるので、こちらを主役にした撮影なども楽しいと思います。
Of course, you can take not only zooming shots but also other whole shots with wide lenses. We can see the famous tower, Nina Tower, which stands on 荃灣西( Tsuen Wan West), you can enjoy taking it.
You can find stairs beside this photographing point and can go down to the promenade beside the sea. You can see whole view with sea from it. It should be fun to walk around looking for your favorite point (^^)

■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑↑ː ヘッダー等でもご紹介しているこちらの画像ですが、これが空や下の木々を入れない限界だと思います。少し立ち位置が違うので、見え方が若干違います
↑↑ː These photos have already been showed on the header photos and so on. I tried to take them without sky and trees, and I took each at different places, some part can be seen a little differences.
↑ː 縦構図にしてみました(^^)
↑ː Tried vertical composition(^^)
↑↑ː 青いビルから右側のマンション群の窓にフォーカス
↑↑ː Focusing to the windows of the apartments standing right beside of the blue building.

↑ː 遊歩道からニーナタワーを入れて広角で撮影
↑ː Trying to take whole view with Nina Tower from the promenade.

↑ː 狭い内海ですが、結構船も通ります
↑ː Considering to the narrow inland sea, many ships pass.

↑ː ニーナタワーの左側にある茶系のマンションにフォーカス。
↑ː Focusing to the brown color apartments which are standing to left beside Nina Tower .
To tell the truth the reason I came this place the first time was trying to this angle.(^^;)
↑↑ː さらに左側にある新しいマンション群の窓にフォーカス☆
↑↑ː Trying to focus the windows of new tall apartments standing left more☆

■撮影条件ː Conditions
・レンズː Lenses
I took this photo with 200mm. As I described you can take photos with other angles, it should be better to bring both wide and zooming lenses.
・太陽光線ː Sun lays
I have not tried taking photos from here at each season but if you want to take when apartments are following to sun lights, it should be around noon when you start taking photos. There being no shades, you can enjoy other taste photos on cloudy day.

■注意事項ː Attentions
I had visited this place several times but, thanks to this place being near the station, I could not find any attention matter other than basic overseas travel cautionary notes. If you go down to promenade, please be careful not to bother the people who enjoy cycling and jogs.

■アクセスː Access

Photographing point is just beside station. We can reach there 1 or 2 minutes walk from the station(^^)

①青衣(Tsing Yi)駅の北側の出口から出る
Exit 青衣(Tsing Yi) station from North Exit
【Attention when you get off the MTR】
Platforms of 青衣(Tsing Yi) station have some direct ticket gates to the shopping center, but PLEASE DO NOT ENTER but PLEASE GO TO MAIN LOBBY by going down by stairs or escalators, otherwise you may be lost in the shopping center.
Please go cross the connection bridge and enter the shopping center
Go out the shopping center from the exit to bus the bus terminal which you can find on your right just after entered the shopping center.
Please go through the bus terminal, you can reach the photographing point(^^)

■関連記事ː Related Post
The night views from this photographing point
【夜景/オリジナル P】高層ビルが高層マンションに囲まれる“ような”図【Night/Original P】A view a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén