Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【穴場】香港島を東から見下ろす、紅香爐峰【Seclet P】Red Incense Burner Summit, looking down Hong Kong Island from east

Today I’d like to one of the secret points☆
It is a view from 2 large famous rocks on a summit on the mountain near 天后(Tin Hau) and 砲台山(Fortress Hill).
We can see around the main downtown areas of Hong Kong islands, from 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) to 中環(Central) and Vitoria Harbour from east side.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年4月29日/更新日ː 2022年10月22日)
(Last visitedː 29th April 2022/ Updatedː 22nd Oct 2022)

The sunset and night photos taken from here are quite nice★
夜景の記事へː To night photo post
We need to climb and stay on the high rocks on the mountain, if you have any difficulties to go and stay such places or do not have enough experiments or knowledges about mountain trails, for avoiding your accidents and safety, I do not recommend you visit here. If you are familiar with such activities, please carefully prepare before visit. 

紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)について: About 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts

■紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)について: About 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)
紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)は香港島の天后〜砲台山付近の山、寶馬山(Braemar Hill)の峰です。標高も228mと高い位置にありますが、近くまでバスで来れるので、山道自体は20〜30分程度です。山のハイキングコースから少し外れた位置にありますが、街から近いため、休日は撮影以外にも沢山の人が集まります。
紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) is a summit on 寶馬山(Braemar Hill), a hill beside 天后(Tin Hau) and 砲台山(Fortress Hill). The height of it is quite high, 228m, but you can come near here by bus, so the mountain trail itself is around 20 to 30 minutes. The rocks are away from main trail course but, here being near city side and easy to come, many people come here not only for photographing but also for hiking on the sunny weekends and holidays.

We can see around the main downtown areas of Hong Kong islands, from 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) to 中環(Central) and Vitoria Harbour from east side★
Not only west side, we can see east side of Hong Kong islands and Kowloon side across from Victoria Harbour.

⇩紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)には大きな岩が2つあります⇩
⇩There are 2 large rocks on 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) ⇩
We can take photos without any trees from top of them, so exactly speaking, taking photos is not from 紅香爐峰 (Red Incense Burner Summit)  but from these large rocks.
(So please be much careful when you climb and stay on the rocks ⇐ Seriously speaking.)岩まではハイキングコースから外れる他、岩も高さが高いので、登るのにも足や手を置く場所を探すなど、登山の知識や経験が必要なので、不安な場合はそうした知識のある方の同行が必要だと思います。
The rocks are a little away from mail trail course, and they are quite high. You may need some knowledges of mountain trails and how to climb rocks, such as finding right points where you put your hands and foots.  If you do not have enough knowledges or experiments, it should be better to ask someone who knows well to be with you.
On some sunny holidays, many people may come here and there may be almost no extra space. (^∀^;)なお、冒頭からきつめの表現で申し訳ないですが、トラブルや事故を防ぎ、皆様の身の安全のためにも、登山に慣れていない方や、足腰に不安があり、特に岩の上でしっかりと姿勢を維持することに不安があるような場合や、万全な体制でない場合は訪問を控えた方が良いと思います。
Sorry for placing serious words on the top, but for your safety and to avoid your accidents, if you are not familiar with mountain trails or have some difficulties to climb and stay on the rocks, it should be better to refrain from visiting there this time.
(Hope you to come with best conditions next time)

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
↑ː IFCとICCを入れて☆Taking both IFC and ICC☆

↑ː 香港島の西側を撮影ː Taking west side of Hong Kong islands

↑ː 香港島の中心部にフォーカス★
↑ː Focusing to the main downtown areas of Hong Kong islands★
This must be the most famous angle taken here☆

↑ː 銅鑼灣の山側ː Mountain side of 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)

↑↑ː ビクトリア湾を挟んでICCや九龍サイドを撮影
↑↑ː Taking ICC and Kowloon side across from Victoria Harbour.

↑ː 夕方に順光になった東側や北東側を撮影
↑ː Taking east side and northeast side in late afternoon, after these sides are following to the lights

■撮影条件: Conditions
・レンズː Lenses
撮影はいつもの24-120mm です。一部の画像は後でトリミングしています。なお、下記のIFCとICCが両方入った画像が24mmです。
Same as usual, I took all photos with my 24-120mm. Some photos got trimmed afterword. Anyway, below one, taking IFC and ICC is taken 24mm.
If the visibilities are well, you can enjoy zooming some parts, so I believe more zooming lenses work well?

・光線関係ː Sunlight
You can see around all side, so whenever you come here, sunlight may hit to some part of the view. If you wish to see the main Hong Kong islands downtowns well (following lights), it should be in the morning.

・風ː Winds
As I describe previous part, you can see around all side from here but it means winds directly hit to you. It may be hard to secure your tripods in strong winds. They must be heavy but bring good performance tripods may be better.
And due to these winds, you may feel cold even at summer nights, it should be better to bring long sleeves. (They also work well for against to mosquitos)

■注意事項ː Attentions
This point not being far from city side, but we need to walk mountain trails, please visit below attentions for mountain trails before you visit. I’m not a kind of professional climber, the information there may not be enough, I hope if you prepare with more cares.
山歩きの注意事項ː Attentions when you visit Hong Kong mountains

■アクセス: Access
アクセス情報についてː About access information
There are some bus stops beside the entrance of mountain trail, you can reach by bus and on foot.
The bus to the entrance of the mountain trail
紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)までの登山
The mountain trail to 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)

①登山口までː How to reach the mountain trail entrance
登山口の側に寶馬山(Braemar Hill)のバス停があります。一般的な2階建てのバス(City Bus/First Bus)とミニバスがあります。一般的なバスの場合途中の停留所ですが、ミニバスの場合寶馬山(Braemar Hill)が終点なので、降り間違いを防ぐためにも、ミニバスの方が確実なので、ミニバスを優先してご紹介します。
There is a bus stop named 寶馬山(Braemar Hill) beside the entrance of the mountain trail so we can reach there by normal double-decker bus (City Bus/ First Bus) or minibus. The bus stop is the end stop of minibus line but not that of normal bus lines, so, in case for your getting off at wrong stop, I will introduce minibus route first.

(1)銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)駅のバスの乗り場
The bus stop near 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) station
銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)駅からバスに乗ります。ミニバスも一般のバスも出口は【E】を目指してください。
Let’s catch the bus at the bus stop near 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) station. Please go out the station from  Exit【E】for both minibus and normal bus.

The bus stops and the route form Exit【E】 is as ⇩on below map⇩.

Aːミニバスの停留所ː The way to the minibus stop

↑ː 【E】出口を出たら左に曲がり、1ブロック進みます。
↑ː Please turn left when you go out the Exit 【E】 and go 1 block.

↑↑ː 最初の信号で横断歩道を渡った先にミニバス25番のバス停があります。。表示が【満座FULL】になっていたら、満席で乗れませんが、そこそこ本数もあるので、すぐに次が来ますので、乗れなくても心配する必要はないです(^^)
↑↑ː You can find the minibus stop for No.25 across from traffic pedestrian crossing at the first traffic light. If you see 【満座/FULL】, this means the bus is full but you do not need to be worried about it because there are many buses on this line, just wait a moment(^^) 
↑ː 降りるときにコツの要るミニバスですが、寶馬山(Braemar Hill)は終点なので、最後まで乗りましょう★
↑ːWe need some hacks when we get off minibuses but 寶馬山(Braemar Hill) is the last stop, you can just stay until the last★

Bː 一般のバス(City Bus/First Bus) ː Normal buses (City Bus/First Bus)

香港島の西側から寶馬山(Braemar Hill)に向かう場合だと、一般のバスだと25や25Aになります。上記の画像の通り、25も25Aも寶馬山(Braemar Hill)は終点ではないので、降り間違いがないように注意してください。
We are to take normal bus No.25 or No.25A when we go to 寶馬山(Braemar Hill) stop from west side of Hong Kong islands. As you can see on these line maps, 寶馬山(Braemar Hill) stop is not end stop of these lines, please be careful not to get off at wrong bus stop.

銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)駅駅の最寄りの停留所名は【Paterson Street, Yee Woo Street】です。25も25Aも同じ場所にあります。
The name of the bus stop we take bus from near 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) station is 【Paterson Street, Yee Woo Street】. It is for both for 25 and 25A.

↑ː ミニバスの時と同じく銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)駅の【E】出口を出たら左へ進み、1ブロック進み、最初の信号を右に入ります。
↑ː Same as to the minibus stop, please turn left and go 1 block when you go out from Exit 【E】. And please turn Right at the first traffic light.

↑ː 通りをトラムの通りまで進んでください。
↑ː Please go through the street to the tram road.

↑↑: トラムの通り沿いの有名な円形の歩道橋のすぐ下にバス停があります。
↑↑ː Please go along with the tram road fora moment. You can find the bus stop beside the famous circle pedestrian bridge

(2)寶馬山(Braemar Hill)の停留所
寶馬山(Braemar Hill) stop

一般のバスもミニバスと同じ場所で降ります。ミニバスは終点ですが、一般のバスは寶馬山(Braemar Hill)で引き返して、別のルートで山を下りる運用になっています。
寶馬山(Braemar Hill) stop is for both minibus and normal buses. We get off the buses at the same place. This is the end stop of the minibus but not of normal buses. The normal buses U-turn here and go down the mountain along with other way.

↑↑ː 一般のバスに乗られた方は、車内放送がよく聞こえる場所や、車内案内の電光掲示板やモニターの近くで注視して乗り越しのないように気を付けましょう。停留所番号では25Aでは20番、25では25番ですが、変わる可能性のあると思うので、参考程度に。
↑↑ː When you get on the normal buses, please take the seats on which you can see the LCD information display and can hear announces well. Please carefully watch and hear them in case for getting off wrong stops. The stop No. is 20 for 25A and 25 for 25, but it may be change, please see it as just only reference.

②紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)までの登山
The mountain trail to 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)

★To avoid your lost on your round way★
It is often said that there are lots of differences between the views on the way and the round way. Please walk slowly with memorizing your way and see back sometimes to know your round way especially when you turn some corners.

(1)正規のルートː Regular route
(2)ショートカットː Short-cut way

(1)正規のルートː Regular route
I’d like to inform the regular route first. There is a short-cut route but you need to go over a fence and go up long steep stairs and only around 5-10 minutes saved, regular route should work well.

↑ː バス停から通りを挟んだ先に学校があります。正規のルートの入り口は学校の左脇にあります。
↑ː You can see a school building across from bus stop, the entrance of regular route is just left beside of it.

↑↑↑ː コンクリートで整備された道をしばらく歩きます。
↑↑↑ː Please go along with concreated trail for a moment.

↑↑↑ː 三叉路に道しるべがあります。左に一寶馬山(Braemar Hill)と案内があり、左の方が道もコンクリートで整備されていてきれいですが、右に進んでください。
↑↑↑ː You can reach T-junction with a signpost. The signpost shows 寶馬山(Braemar Hill) on left and the trail to left is well concreated but please go right.

↑↑ː しばらく高低差なく進みます。途中ショートカットの階段と合流します。
↑↑ː Please go along with the way for a moment, there should be no up-down. Later shot cut route will join, you can see the short-cut stairs on your right.
★The way to the goal is the same as the shot-cut route from this point★

↑ː 人によって差もありますが、高低差のない道を少々、5分程度進みます。とにかく、そんなに遠くはありません。
↑ː It should depend on the person, please go along with the way around 5 minutes. The goal is not far from here.

↑ː 【IMPORTANT】 Here is the most important point. You can find a non-concreated way to the right at the point when concreated trail turns left. You can see a safety cone on the photo, but in case for it removed, please be careful.

↑ː 【IMPORTANT】 This is the view from the safety cone.
You may find 3 ways (some can see 2?) from here, anyway please go to the one on your from and goes UP.
Many people come here and the way seems to be enough clear for you recognize, as a normal mountain trail, I believe. Anway, the goal is near here, you do not need to walk long on such way.

↑↑ː 最初は森の中ですが、道はこんな感じになります。滑りやすいので、注意して歩きましょう。
↑↑ː At first you walk in the forest, and the way will be like this. The soil is slippery, please walk slowly and be careful.

↑ː 大きな岩の狭い隙間を通る場所もあります。ここまで来たらもう目的地は目の前です。
↑ː We need to go through a very narrow path between 2 large rocks, but the goal is just in front of you.

↑↑ː 目的地となる2つの岩です。行かれた際に空いている方を選ぶ感じになると思います。なお、登れなくても写真は撮れるので(実際に地面から写真と撮影している人もたくさんいましたので)、岩を登るのが無理だと思ったら、岩の下で撮れそうな場所を探すのもありです、登れないと思ったら、下で撮りましょう。
↑↑ː These large 2 rocks are our goal. You may choice the one you like or vacant. Anyway, you may find some points where you can take photos without going up them, actually I saw some people taking photos on the ground, so if you find you cannot climb them, please take photos on the ground. 

↑ː 着きました(^^)☆ (2枚目の岩の方)
↑ː Now we’ve arrived (^^)☆ (this is the top of the 2nd rock)
(Attention)As you can see on this photo, there is only this small place.

【Attentions when you are on the rocks】
These rocks are very high and the space on the top is also very small, please be careful of your position and your belongings all time with maximum attentions. I believe you and your belongings cannot survive without big damages when you drop.
And many people may come here, please stay without troubles, see them politely with manners and give ways and spaces to them if they need.

(2)ショートカットː Short-cut way

↑ː ショートカットへは学校の前を右へ進んでください
↑ː To the short-cut way, please go right in front of the school building.

↑↑ː 突き当りまで行ったら、立ち入り禁止の標識のある施設があります。道路のフェンス(ガードレール)を越えて、施設のフェンスのわき道を進みます。
↑↑ː When you reach the end of the road, you can find a fence of facility with no-trespassing sing. Please go over the road fence (guardrail) and go along with the path beside facility fence. 
↑↑↑ː 上に上る長い階段までフェンス沿いを進みます階段の下に大きな排水用?の穴があるので、ご注意を。
↑↑↑ː Please go along with the fence until you see long upward steep stairs. There is a large drain hole beside it, please be careful of it.

↑ː 階段の全景
↑ː Whole view of the stairs

↑ː 階段を上るとゲートがあり、正規のルートと合流です
↑ː You can find a gate when you reach the end of the stairs and can join to the regular route.
⇒The way afterward if here

■関連記事ː Related posts
【穴場】紅香爐峰からの夕陽と夜景★【Secret P】Sunsets and night view from Red Incense Burner Summit★ – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (


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テーマの著者 Anders Norén