Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】旧市街と高層マンションを見下ろす丘、嘉頓山【Famous P】Garden Hill, looking down old cities and tall apartments

本日は先日ご紹介したの深水埗( Sham Shui Po)の旧市街を見下ろせる丘、嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)のご紹介です。街中にあり、気軽に街を見下ろせる撮影ポイントとして、大変有名な場所です。
Today I’d like to introduce 嘉頓山₍Garden Hill), where we can look down 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) old cities area, where I posted about it last time. Being very near the cities,  嘉頓山₍Garden Hill) is very famous as the place for looking down the cities with easy access.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年5月4日/更新日ː 2022年10月4日)
(Last visitedː 4th May 2022/ Updatedː 4th Oct 2022)

嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)について: About 嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts

■嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)について: About 嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)

嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)は先日ご紹介した深水埗( Sham Shui Po)地区のすぐ側にある丘で、深水埗( Sham Shui Po)の旧市街や、奥にある高層マンション群を見下ろせる丘です。
嘉頓山₍Garden Hill) is a hill located beside 深水埗( Sham Shui Po), where I posted last time. We can look down 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) old cities with tall apartments behind from this point.
Thanks to 嘉頓山₍Garden Hill) being beside city areas, we can easily access there, so many people come there for light hiking and for photographing.
I know other some places where we can look down the cities but 嘉頓山₍Garden Hill) provide us particular contrast angles with low old cities buildings and tall apartments.

We can take nice photos here at daytime but, I believe the night photos from here must be more famous☆
夜景の記事へː To the night photos.

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken

↑ː 南東側の風景
↑ː Southeast side view
↑ː 深水埗( Sham Shui Po)の旧市街と背景に高層マンションが並ぶ多分ここで撮れる一番有名な構図(^^)
↑ː Taking 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) old cities with tall apartments back, this must be the most famous angles taken at this place, I believe (^^)
↑ː 西側の風景
↑ː West side view

↑ː 中心部にズーム(^^)
↑ː Zooming to the center(^^)

↑ː 東側の白田(Pak Tin)地区のマンション群
↑: 白田(Pak Tin) area tall apartments on the east side  ↑ː 縦構図にしてみる(^ ^)☆
↑ː Trying to take with vertical angles(^ ^)☆

■撮影条件: Conditions
・レンズː Lenses
As usual, I took all photos with my 24-120mm and some got trimmed later so more zooming lenses may work well. Of course, you can bring  wider one or fisheyes for your styles.
・太陽光ː Sunlight
Sorry in advance that I cannot say exact comments, having not come here in all seasons, I could not say the best season by my photos experiment here. We looking down cities from north, cities were a little back to the light even at the afternoon in May, so I GUESS we should come here the summer solstice season.

■注意事項ː Attentions
This point being beside the cities, we can visit at ease but need to bring some mountain trail for your safe, such as easy walking shoes and clothes. Hong Kong is in subtropical region, there are many hot days and there are some steep stairs without shades, we need to bring sufficient waters and sunscreens. And here being in the mountain, there are many insects such as mosquitos, we should bring insect repellents or long sleeves outfits against them. If you come here for night photos, you must bring flashlights.

<あった方がいいと思う装備ː Recommended equipment>
(Of course, you can prepare more)
Shoes and outfits for easy walking
Sufficient water
Sunscreens and huts (Daytime)
Insect repellents and long sleeve clothes
Flashlight (For night photographing)

■アクセス: Access
アクセスは深水埗( Sham Shui Po)の駅の【D2】出口を出てほとんどまっすぐで近くまで行けます。
You can reach near here by almost just going straight walk from exit 【D2】on 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) station.

↑↑ː 深水埗( Sham Shui Po)の駅に着いたら、【D2】出口を目指してください。
↑↑ː When you arrived at 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) station, please go to exit 【D2】

↑ː 入り口はこんな感じ
↑ː The entrance is like this

↑↑ː 階段は結構急なので、無理をせずゆっくり歩きましょう
↑↑ː These stair are so steep that please not to rush up but go up slowly.
↑↑ː  着きました(^∀^)☆
↑↑ː  Now We’ve arrived(^∀^)☆

■関連記事ː Related posts.
★この撮影ポイントからの夜景ː The night views from this point★
嘉頓山(Garden Hill)からの夜景ː The night views from 嘉頓山(Garden Hill)
①近くの撮影ポイントː Nearby photographing points
深水埗( Sham Shui Po) old city area
・南山邸(Nan Shan Estate)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén