Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】旺角の花園街: 【Famous P】Fa Yuen Street in Mongkok

本日は旺角(Mongkok)にある有名なポイント、花園街(Fa Yuen Street)をご紹介します。
Then jumping far from last post, I’d like to introduce a famous photographing point in 旺角(Mongkok), named 花園街(Fa Yuen Street).
(最終訪問日ː 2020年9月13日/更新日ː 2022年10月8日)
(Last visitedː 13th Sep 2020/ Updatedː 8th Oct 2022)

As you can see the thumbnail photo, you can look down a street with many 街市s. The night photos from this place is very nice. This makes this point very famous. Seeing this angle, looking down the street, you may regard that “We need to reach this place by special ways such as entering some buildings and negotiate someone to use some rooms?”.
No☆ You do not need to speak to anyone☆

This is because,,,

⇩We take photos from on the footbridge(^∀^)☆⇩

花園街(Fa Yuen Street)について: About 花園街(Fa Yuen Street)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
アクセス: Access
: Cannot take photos on Hong Kong Holidays 

■花園街(Fa Yuen Street)について: About 花園街(Fa Yuen Street)
花園街(Fa Yuen Street)は旺角(Mongkok)にある街市が並ぶ通りです。MTRの駅だと、旺角と隣の太子(Prince Edward)の中間あたりにあります。通りの端にある歩道橋から通りを見下ろして写真を撮ることができます。特に夜景は非常に美しくかつ有名です☆
花園街(Fa Yuen Street) is a street with many 街市 located in 旺角(Mongkok). Explaining with MTR stations, this street is located just middle between 旺角 and 太子(Prince Edward). There is a footbridge at the end of this street and we can look down the street. The night photos taken from this footbridge are very nice and famous☆
Exactly speaking, you may easily find some similar streets in Hong Kong but the place where we can look down such street with easy access is very rare, I believe. So the most important thing is not this street itself but this footbridge?(^^;)

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
・夜撮影: Night photos

Night photos are very famous, I place them first☆

・昼撮影: Daytime photos

Of course we can take nice daytime photos☆
↑: まずは全体図
↑: The first one is whole view
↑: 街市にフォーカス
↑: Focusing 街市s
↑↑: 日差しの濃淡が出たので使ってみました☆
↑↑:  Enjoyed the strong contrast with lights and shades☆
↑: 奥に見える道路の高架橋を二階建てバスが通るのを待ちました☆
↑: I waited for a double-decker bus pass on the viaduct☆

■撮影条件: Conditions
Same as usual, I took all photos with my 24-120mm. This street is long from north to south, sun rays may hit to either side of the buildings, so I believe you do not care about the time you visit here. But I can say, the sun stays higher in summer, you may take better photos in summer comparing with other seasons.
For night photographing, tripods are the must equipment. The top of the handrails being flat, as the final way, you may place your camera on it but it must be danger for dropping cameras and bad for your camera, I never recommend such ways.

This area is very crowded area in Hong Kong but thanks to the footbridge wide enough, you do not need to watch around badly.
BUT please be careful that there are some days when we cannot take photos from this footbridge.

To the detail

■アクセス: Access
The access is very easy. This footbridge is just next to the station because the entrance of this footbridge is linked to exit B3 of 旺角 station. You can reach this point without being wet on rainy days.
↑: 旺角駅の駅構内からは【B】の出口から出てください。
↑: Please go out from inside 旺角 station from 【B】
↑: 【B3】の表示はありませんが、とにかく、一番奥まで通路を進んでください。
↑: There may not be the sign【B3】, anyway, please go along the aisle to the end.
↑:  一番奥まで行くと、エスカレーターで地上まで出られます。
↑: You can find a escalator at the end of the aisle and can go out to the outside☆
↑: エスカレーターを上がと、今度はすぐに歩道橋に上がるエスカレーターがありますので、そのまま乗ってください。
↑: You can find an escalator which leads you to the footbridge.
↑: エスカレーターを上がったら、右方向へ進んでください。
↑: After you go up the escalator, please turn right.
↑↑: 少し進むと、左手に花園街が見えます☆撮影ポイントに到着です☆
↑↑: After a few minutes walk, you can find 花園街 on your left and arrive at the photographing point☆

: Cannot take photos on Hong Kong Holidays?
Some people who have lived in Hong Kong or some have visited Hong Kong sometimes can easily recognize what I am talking(^^;)? Anyway, there are some days when the nationalities on such place with roofs change(^∀^;)

Please see below photos if you can’t understand what I am talking(^^;)

These photos were taken at same place on Sunday. On Hong Kong holidays, many and many Filipinos working as housekeeper in Hong Kong gather outside at parks, under roofs and so on, and doing something like enjoying banquets? so we can not take photos such places.
It is applicable to other photographing points, if you want to enjoy photographing in earnest, especially on weekends, I recommend you to concentrate photographing on weekdays or Saturdays☆(Except when some Hong Kong holidays hit to Saturdays)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén