Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナルP】海に立つ踏切的な図、水底碼頭【Original P】水底碼頭, something like a railroad crossing standing on the sea

Continuing to the last post, today I’d like to introduce a point beside the sea. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

たまたまみつけたのでオリジナルポイント?としますが(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)ドキドキ
I happened to find this point so let me regard this point as one of original points. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
We can see a view “like” a railroad crossing standing on the sea. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
As on my opinion, I love this place. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

This point being beside the sea, there are some attentions, please be sure to read them before you come.
(最終訪問: 2020年10月18日/更新: 2024年6月23日)
(Last visit on 18th October 2020/ Updated on 23rd June 2024)

水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)について:
About 水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)
撮影画像: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
Attentions (Please read)
アクセス: Access
その他: Other info
関連投稿: Related posts

■水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)について: About 水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)
この場所の名称は、『水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)』といいます。
The name of this place is 『水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)』.I could not find how to read it, so the English name is just the Cantonese pronounce of these Chinese characters. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)』.

is a pier which is located near airfreight terminal.

There seem to be some capacities to park some ships but never seen.

海に突き出した所にある構造物が日本の鉄道の踏切のように見えます、、よね(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
The part of the object on the sea can be seen like a Japanese railroad crossing,,, can’t it (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)?個人的にですが、ジブリの映画、『千と千尋の神隠し』で、海の上を走る鉄道(多分正確には線路が海に沈んでる?)に千尋たちが乗るシーンがありましたが、そんな鉄道の踏切の雰囲気を感じました(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
I remember there are some scenes one of the Ghibli’s movies, 『千と千尋の神隠し: Spirited Away』, that Chihiro gets on the train which runs on the sea (Maybe, exactly saying, its trucks are sank in the sea). It being just my opinion, the view from here seems like seeing the railroad crossing in that movie. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
(Especially, if there are no mountains behind. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠))

また、埠頭は数年前にできた高速道路の高架下にあるので、暑い日でも涼しいですし、雨の日でも雨に濡れる心配はありません。(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
And this place is located under the highway bridge which were constructed a few years ago. Thanks to them, we can stay here without being worried about sunburn and rains. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

However, there are no toilets and vender machines near this place I remember, please do not forget to prepare for them before you come.

■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑: 全体
Whole view

↑: 24mmだと2本撮ることができます。
24mm can catch 2 of them
↑: 西側にフォーカス
Focusing the west one.
※The current status of west one may be different from this photo.
The info of west one.
↑: 東側にフォーカス
Focusing east one
海面の高い時間帯に撮影したこっちの方が、個人的には好きかなぁ(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Trying to take them without foundations, they were taken when the sea level was high.
I prefer to these angles. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

■撮影条件: Conditions
・レンズ: Lenses
Same as usual, all photos placed here were taken with my 24-120mm.

・時間帯: The time you come
The timing should be different depending on the angles you want, such as catching the waves or taking them as flows.

And the angles of the objects are also different depending on the sea levels, only handrails around high tide time or handrails with foundations around low tide time.
↑: 干潮の時間帯の画像(Google mapより)
The photos taken around low tide time. (Can be seen on Google maps)

Please come here on your best timing.
You can find the time on the weather forecast. (⁠^⁠^⁠)
Weather forecast Hong Kong.

: Attentions (Please read)
The coastlines around these areas are composed for breakwater made by large rocks and we need to walk and stay on them.

It should depend on the angles you want but you sometimes need to place your camera quite close to the sea.

Actually, when I took blow photo, I set my tripod beside the water.

Below attentions were found when I stayed there, please read and be careful when you visit.
(Of course, if you find other attention points, please be careful them as well.)

Please move slowly and stay carefully when you are on the rocks.

The top surface on each rock is not vertical and some rocks easily move, please careful check them before you place your foot on the rocks.

And some rocks placed near the sea must be covered by mosses, they must make you slip easily, please be more careful when you move or stay near the sea.

Please do not drop your belongings.
As I mentioned before, the coastline is a part of breakwater and made by large rocks, the gaps between each rock are narrow and deep.

The things dropped into such gaps, they never come back, please be careful to your belongings.
(Actually, I once dropped my mobile into such gap near this place, I spent quite horrible time.)

Please be careful to passing ships
There are lots of ships pass on the sea in front of you. Once a ship passes, big waves must come to us. Please go away from the sea asap when you find ships coming.

Please care your cameras
As we stay near the sea, our cameras must be exposed to salty and humid air, even we don’t get them wet, we should care our cameras after we finish taking photos.

■アクセス: Access

アクセスは最寄りの東涌(Tung Chung)駅からバスに乗り換えの方法と香港各地からバスでくる方法をご紹介します。
As for the access to here, I’d like to introduce the way by bus from MTR 東涌(Tung Chung) station and by bus from each district in Hong Kong.

東涌(Tung Chung)駅からバス
By bus from 東涌(Tung Chung) station
By bus from each district in Hong Kong

●MTR東涌(Tung Chung)駅からバス
①東涌(Tung Chung)駅は⇩こちら⇩
東涌(Tung Chung) station is ⇩here⇩東涌(Tung Chung)駅は東涌(Tung Chung)線の終点です。
東涌(Tung Chung) station is the last station of東涌(Tung Chung) line.

I recommend you get on the first car and go up to the ground floor on the escalator on the forward end of the platform.

Please go out the station from Exit B, you can find the entrance of the bus terminal across from the square.⇧駅から出たら正面にあります
⇧You can find the entrance of the bus terminal across from the square in front of you.

The bus you take
乗るバスはS52, S52A, S52Pなどです。
The bus we take is S52, S52A and S52P,

Simply speaking, the S52 group.S52は時間帯にもよりますが約20分に一本と本数は少ないです。
S52s do not come so often, they come around 20 minutes interval.

The bus stop is ⇩here⇩

(注意1: Attentions 1)
行きのS52のバス停は反対(=帰ってきた時に降りる)バス停と隣同士なので、乗る時は行き先【飛行機修理区S52 /Aircraft Maintenance Area S52 】を必ず確認しましょう。
This outward stop is located next to the round stop, I mean the one you get off on your return way, is next to the one on the way, please carefully check the destination 【飛行機修理区 S52 /Aircraft Maintenance Area S52 】 showed on the car.

(注意2: Attention 2)
The bus stop has changed the place twice in the past, please check carefully in case for any changes.

⑤『Asia Airfreight Terminal (Chun Ping Road)』の停留所で降りましょう。
Please get off the bus at 『Asia Airfreight Terminal (Chun Ping Road)』道路状況や混雑具合によりますが、10分から15分くらいだと思います。
It must depend on the road and conditions, it should take 10 to 15 minutes, I believe.

As below map, buses pass the stop once and turn, you can prepare for getting off when you can see airplanes on your left.いずれにしても、アナウンスや案内表示は注意して聞きましょう。
Anyway, please carefully listen to the announcement and see the guides.

⑦『水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)』はバス停から見えるラウンドアバウトから少し歩いたところにあります(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
You can reach 『水底碼頭(Shui Di Ma Tau)』in a few minutes’ walk from the roundabout which can see from the bus stop. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
⑧A地点: Point A
⑨B地点: Point B
⑩C地点: Point C
⑪D地点: Point D
Now we’ve arrived. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)!

★帰りのバス停: Return stop★
You can find the stop on your way back a little runway side from the one you get off.

By bus from each district in Hong Kong
You can come here by bus direct from city areas without changing buses. I’d like to introduce some to the people who know Hong Kong buses well and have much time. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

The stop we get off
There are 2 bus stops, the one is the same as S52, the another is located a little east from S52 stop.

②停車するバス: The bus lines which come to these stops
下記はGoogle Mapの情報ですが、確認できるバスの番号は下記になります
Below list was found at Google Map, these buses stop on this stop.

(I have not investigated all but) most of the local buses which go to the airport from each area in Hong Kong seem to stop at this stop.

〈メモ: Memo〉
It may take long time. (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;
大嶼島(Lan Tau Island)の入口付近からでも20-30分は見たほうがいいので、市街地からだと1時間以上はかかると思います。
(まぁ、香港島の香港駅からMTRで来ても1時間以上かかりますが(⁠^ ⁠^;⁠))
It may take around 20-30 minutes even from the entrance of 大嶼島(Lan Tau Island), it should take at least one hour and more from city areas.
(It also takes over one hour to come here by MTR and bus from 香港(Hong Kong) station. (⁠^⁠ ^⁠;).)

What is the local buses?
The buses whose line numbers are EXX operated with normal seat cars.

I mean they are not the express airport buses whose line numbers are AXX operated with high grade seats cars. They directly go to the airport.
(Sometimes we may see opposite cases, I mean high grade cars allotted to EXX.) Anyway, we need to carefully check the line numbers.

■その他: Other info
The conditions at the last time I saw them.
At the last time I saw these objects from in the passing bus, I remember I found one of them, the west one, seemed to be tilted (or folded ?).

I do not know what it will be (and what it is now) but I will update when I can know its status. ☆

■関連投稿: Related post

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén