Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【ニュース】彩虹邨の再開発【News】Re-developments on Choi Hung Estate

以前インスタ映えする香港の有名撮影ポイントとしてこちらの投稿でご紹介した彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)ですが、再開発の計画があるとのニュースが出ていました。(⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
As I introduced in the past about 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) on this post, as a famous instagrramable point, some news have issued to say there will be some re-developments on 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) in the future. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)

あと、同時に華富邨(Wah Fu Estate)も再開発に入っていることがわかりました。(⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
At the same time, I found 華富邨(Wah Fu Estate) is also now at the step on its re-developments. (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)

華富邨(Wah Fu Estate)についてはまだご紹介していませんが、なるべく早めにご紹介できるようにする予定です。m(_ _)m
I have not introduced about 華富邨(Wah Fu Estate) I’d like to try to introduce it in the near future. m(_ _)m

さて、彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)は記事によると
According to the news, 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)
The details will be announced at around the end of 2023.
The demolitions of current 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) is fixed plan.
③新しい彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)は40階程度になる予定
The number of the floors of new 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) will be around 40 floors.
The re-developments won’t be conducted at one time but will take around 20 years to gradually complete all residents move.
The colors of new 彩虹邸(Choi Hung Estate) have not yet been decided if they will be same as current.


Below are just my personal predictions but,

For preparing its demolitions, if any, some construction equipment will be placed around it long time before it is started to be demolished, such as walls, rudders and so on.
Photographing conditions may change day by day.

And, to say goodbye to 彩虹邸(Choi Hung Estate) , more people than as usual may visit, I recommend you visit ASAP especially if you have not yet been there. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)

周知の通り、私も既に日本に帰国していて簡単に様子を見に行き頻繁にアップデートをする等はできませんので、その点もご了承ください。m(_ _)m
As I have informed before, I have already come back to Japan, please be sure that it should be difficult for me to timely place the updated information. m(_ _)m

(参考記事: Referred articles)

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テーマの著者 Anders Norén