Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナルP】青衣海浜公園【Original P】Tsing Yi Promenade

Today I’d like to introduce a new point which I found during my last return to Hong Kong.

以前こちらの投稿で、荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West)からの高層マンションの夜景をご案内しましたが、もっといいポイントを探したら、本当に見つけました(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
In the past I introduced a point on this point, where we can be seen night views of tall apartments from 荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West). I have tried to find other better points from then and finally could find. (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

その場所とは、『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade)』です(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
The name of the point is 『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade)』. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

“As on my personal preference(←Important) ” the night views from here must be superb but this HP is composed to place the daytime photos and place details first, so let me introduce the daytime photos today. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
(最終訪問日ː 2023年9月28日/更新日ː 2023年10月31日)
(Last visitedː 28th Sep 2023/ Updatedː 31st Oct 2023)

・『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade₎』について
: About 『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade₎』
現地からの風景: The views from this point
撮影条件: Conditions
撮影画像: The photos taken
注意事項: Attentions
アクセス: Access
その他: Other info
関連投稿: Related posts

■『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade₎』について
: About『青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade₎』

青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade)は青衣(Tsing Yi)にある海岸線沿いの遊歩道です。対岸の荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West)にある高層マンション群やニーナタワーの撮影ができます。
青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade₎ is a part of a promenade which is located beside the sea on 青衣(Tsing Yi). We can see tall apartments at 荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West) and Nina Tower across from the sea well.

以前こちらの投稿でご紹介した荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West)のポイントでは、のマンション群のうち一番右に隙間ができましたが、このポイントでは、なしにできる他、荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West)のマンション群もきれいに撮影できます。
As I introduced on this post in the past about these tall apartments taken from 荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West) but only one gap can be seen between the right one and others, there are no gaps can be seen from today’s point. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

↑:  このマンション群を夜撮影したら素敵だと思いませんか(≧≦)?
↑: Taking these tall apartments at night must be superb, don’t you think (≧≦)?
(Only me??) 

街中の整備された遊歩道につき、ベンチもあるし、木々の日陰もあります。側に青衣東北公園(Tsing Yi Northeast Park)という公園もあり、トイレもありますので、居心地はいいと思います。(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Here being a part of a promenade in the city with well maintenances, you can find benches, shades under the trees. And there are some toilets in the 青衣東北公園(Tsing Yi Northeast Park) which is beside this promenade. I believe you can enjoy photographing at ease. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Actually, I took photos with eating meals☆

■現地からの風景: The views from this point

■撮影条件: Conditions
・光線条件: Sunlight
日中は朝に1回しか行ってないので正確なことが言えず申し訳ないのですが、対岸の高層マンションは午前中、荃灣西(Tsuen Wan West)やニーナタワーあたりは、午後からが順光になると“思います”
Just visiting here only twice in the morning and at night, I cannot say exact comments, but the below tall apartments can be seen with following lights in the morning to noon, and those beside Nina Tower are back to the lights in the morning, following lights should be in the afternoon, “I guess.”

The photos of Nina Tower taken in the morning are as below.

Please understand there must be condition differences among seasons due to the paths of the sun.

・レンズ: Lenses
I took below photo with 56mm.

■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑: 見ての通り、マンション群に隙間がありません☆
↑: As you can see there are no gaps between each apartment☆
↑: けっこう船の行き来がありますので、船とマンションとの絵が楽しめます☆
↑: There are many traffics of the ships you can enjoy the photos of tall apartments and ships☆

↑↑↑ː その他の画像
↑↑↑: Other photos

↑↑: 午前中に来たので、東側は逆光で、こちらだけ(しかも携帯撮影)ですが、こんな感じです
↑↑: As I coming in the morning, the photos of east side was back to the lights, I took only this (by mobile) but east side is like this.

■注意事項: Attentions
As this point being in the city, there are some shades and toilets, without next act, there should not be particular attentions except general crime preventions but there are many people on this promenade, please be careful not to bother them.

Please take responsibilities by yourself when you go this area.
There are some fences beside the sea on this promenade, but you may find some spaces behind and besides the sea. There may be some people walking or fishing there, especially when you want to make your tripods lower at night, you may want to go there. You being beside the sea, please be much careful not to drop yourself and your belongings to the sea.
Please be sure,  if any accidents occur, this HP will never take any responsibilities.  


■アクセス: Access
アクセスは青衣(Tsing Yi)駅からのアクセスをご案内します。
I’d like to introduce the access from 青衣(Tsing Yi) station.
Please go out the station from main gate, not those to shopping center
After going out the gate, please go out the station from Exit A1

Please go through the shopping center

After going through the shopping center, you can find a escalator, please go down it.

After going down the escalator, please turn right.

Please go along with the sidewalk for a moment
⑦『青宏苑(Ching Wang Court)』のマンションが見える交差点を右に曲がってください
You reach a corner next to an apartment『青宏苑(Ching Wang Court)』, please turn right
After going along with the road a little,,,
⑨突き当りが青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade)です
The end of it is 青衣海浜公園(Tsing Yi Promenade)

The point I took the photos is a little to the left.

■その他: Other info
地図を見たら青衣(Tsing Yi)のこちらのポイントからも海岸線のこの遊歩道で繋がっていますので、通して撮影することもできると思います。
As you can find on the Google maps, this point is linked to the point which I introduced on this post. You can enjoy both points.

私は、マンションの隙間なしを探しましたが、Google Mapsの下記の画像のように隙間を均等にするような撮影もできるみたいです。
I have tried to the point which I can see the tall apartments without any gaps but there must be other angles with enjoying the gaps. As on below Google maps street view, we can see below views.

A little distance makes the angle much different, there may be hidden superb point. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

I will try to find any when I go back to Hong Kong.

■関連投稿: Related posts
<このポイントの夜景: The night views of this point>

<近くのポイント: Nearby points>
【オリジナル P】高層ビルが高層マンションに囲まれる“ような”図【Original P】A view a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén