Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【インスタ映え】個性的で豪華な球体の撮影【Instagramable】 Unique and gorgeous sphere

今回は比較的インスタ映えスポットに近いですが、尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)のショッピングセンターの中ある大変綺麗で特徴的な球体を撮れるスポットをご紹介します(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Today’s spot should be a kind of Instagramable spot more than photographing point. I’d like to introduce a big gorgeous sphere placed in a shopping center at 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
(最終訪問日ː 2020年7月4日/更新日ː 2023年6月11日)
(Last visitedː 4th July 2020/ Updatedː 11th June 2023)

K11(MUSEA)について: About K11(MUSEA)
撮影画像: The photos taken
アクセス: Access
注意事項: Attentions
関連投稿: Related posts

■K11(MUSEA)について: About K11 (MUSEA)
K11 is one of the fashionable shopping centers in Hong Kong. It is famous of its gorgeous interiors and art works. Most of the shops should be high brands.

K11 MUSEAはK11のブランドのうち、尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)に2019年にできたショッピングセンターです。スーパーマーケットからブランドショップ、映画館などがある複合施設になっています。
K11 MUSEA is one of K11 brand shopping center, which opened at 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) in 2019. It having not only supermarkets but also high brand shops, cinemas and so on, it should be a kind of cinema complex.

Opening hour is from 10AM to 22PM

Its interiors are, quite fashionable, not only thumbnail gorgeous sphere, but there also are lots of art works placed in K11 MUSEA. Some of them were a part of interiors, you can touch them.

There also are other several art works and decorated interiors other than the gorgeous sphere.

We may find some free brochures which introduce each art works near the entrance (at the last time when I visited), we can enjoy seeing art works with reading them.
(It must be sorry that I lost it(⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠))

最寄り駅は尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)で、尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)の繁華街からはやや遠いですが、目の前がスターアベニューなので、スター・アベニューとセットがオススメです。
The nearest station is 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station, so it is a little far from 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) downtown, but it is located just beside 星光大道(Avenue of Stars), so you can drop in on it when you visit there.

The sphere being placed inside of a building, you can come here at any time. (⁠^⁠^⁠)
(The only one difference between daytime and night is the colors of the sky which can be seen through the small gaps.)

Let’s come here together with greeting Bruce Lee☆

・その他のK11: Other K11
K11 MUSEA以外にもいくつかあり、それぞれ個性的な特徴を持っています。
空港周辺にもK11 Skyを建設中ですが、遊びや娯楽に特化し『香港最大の室内娯楽の中心地』を目指しています。
There are other shipping K11 centers and K11 is now constructing a new amusement facility near the airport. It focuses games and amusement, and aiming to be 『Hong Kong’s Largest Indoor Entertainment Hub』

Even at current status, under construction, we can see an airplane inside, we can expect lot of fun.

■撮影画像: The photos taken
To tell the truth, I walked around only around that sphere and around between it and entrance (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)
There must be other art works in K11 MUSEA, you may find better photographing points when you walk around. And there seem to be some terraces☆
↑↑: 球体を下から撮影
↑↑: Taking the sphere from ground floor.
Not only the design of the sphere but also those of whole interiors must be quite attractive.
↑: 正面から
↑: Front view
There always are some people taking photos I believe.
↑: 横から
↑: Side view
↑: 上から
↑: From above
↑: 天井のみにフォーカス
↑: Focusing the ceiling.

■アクセス: Access

Official site access page
Visit | K11 MUSEA

(A)尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅から
From 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station
(B)尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)駅より
From 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) station
From Avenue of the Stars

(A)尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅から(緑矢印)
From 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station (Green Allow)
K11 MUSEAは尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅に直結なので、雨の日でも駅から濡れずに行くことができます。
K11 MUSEA is connected to 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station, you can reach here without getting wet even on rainy days.
①尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅はこちら
尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) is here
②J1, J2出口に直結してますので、改札を出たらJ出口への案内を探して、地下道を歩きましょう。
K11 MUSEA is connected with exit J1, J2 on 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station. After going out ticket gates, please find the signs to Exit J and walk subway with following them.

(B)尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)駅より(橙矢印)
From 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) station (Orange Allow)
少し歩きますが、尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)駅からも地下道で濡れずに来ることができます。MTRの路線図にも繋がっているように書かれていますが、尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)駅尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)は地下道で繋がっています。歩いて5分〜10分程度だと思います。
We need to walk for a moment, but we can visit here from 尖沙咀 (Tsim Sha Tsui) station. As we can see on the MTR line map, 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) station and 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) are connected by subway, we can reach here without getting wet even on rainy days. I believe it should be around 5 to 10 minutes.

①尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui)駅はこちら
尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) station is here.

Please go out the station from Exit E, the ticket gate should be opposite side when you come from Hong Kong Island.

③地下道の尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)の案内を見ながら、尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅に向かいます。
There must be some signs which lead you to 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station, please find them and follow.

④行き方的には一旦突き当りに行ったら、左に曲がり少し歩けば、尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui)駅の改札に着きます。
The way should be easy to be find, just go straight to the end of the aisle and turn left. After walking straight for a moment, you can see the ticket gates of 尖東(East Tsim Sha Tsui) station.

Please find the signs to Exit J and go out the subway from J1 or J2.

From Avenue of the Stars (Blue Allow)
スターアベニューとK11 MUSEAは橋で繋がっているので直接入ることができます。
Avenue of the Starts and K11 MUSEA are connected by a bridge, you can directly enter from Avenue of the Stars.
K11 MUSEA and Avenue of the Stars are connected here.
After a crossing this bridge, you can find the entrance of K11 MUSEA, you can enter from it and can see that sphere sooner

↑ː Googleマップのストリートビューから拝借してますが、不思議な絵になってますねー(^∀^;)
↑: This view can be seen on the Google Map street view. Seems a little strange…(^∀^;)?

■注意事項: Attentions
There should not particular attentions except only one. This place being famous place, there should be many people who are taking photos around. So please do not occupy any place for long time especially, the most popular place, inside the sphere.

■関連投稿: Related posts
スターアベニュー:  The Avenue of Stars
シンフォニーオブライツ: Symphony of Lights

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén