Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【オリジナルP/夜景】海もマンションも金色☆【Original P/Night】Both sea and apartments shining gold☆

Today’s post is, as the first post this year, I’d like to place golden photos ☺️
Same as the last post, today’s point is an original point, I happened to find it and it is one of my favorite points😇

Thanks to the clam sea, the lights of the white wall tall apartments are reflected on the sea well, we can take nice night photos of both tall apartments and sea shining gold.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年4月27日/更新日ː 2023年1月21日)
(Last visitedː 27th April 2022/ Updatedː 21st Jan 2023)

概要: Summary
撮影画像: The photos taken
撮影条件; Conditions
アクセス: Access
注意事項: Attentions

■概要: Summary
撮影場所は荃灣西 (Tsuen Wan West)駅側の海沿いにある遊歩道です。前回の青衣の対岸からの撮影になります️。
This point is on the seaside promenade beside 荃灣西 (Tsuen Wan West)駅. Here is across the sea from Tsing Yi point, where I introduced on the last post.

My favorite angles are the night photos of the mass of white wall tall apartments on the west side and suspension bridge. The sea here is so clam that the lights of the apartments and the bridge reflect quite well on the sea. We can see both apartments and sea shining gold at night. Of course, we can see Tsing Yi side well.
※There may be some waves due to the weather such as raining or strong winds, or to the tide ebbs and flows, and ships across.

荃灣西 (Tsuen Wan West) の駅を出てすぐなので、訪れやすいポイントだと思います。
We can reach here just exit MTR 荃灣西 (Tsuen Wan West) station, you can visit here at ease.

↑: 遊歩道はこんな感じです。遊歩道を歩きながら好きな構図を探す感じになると思います☆
↑: This is the promenade. We are to walk along with it to find our favorite angles☆

As of the thumbnail photo, I believe the best point should be around here to make the gaps of each apartments least. (However there is still one between the third and second tower from right🥺)

At the last, I need to inform you that this sea seems not to be clean well. It sometimes smells ,,,no good,,,(⇐Trying to express quite softly)

■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑: まずは全体から。山をバックに
↑: The first one is whole view☆ Taking with the mountain behind.
↑: 一番好きなサムネイルの構図ですが、海とマンションで二分割️☆
↑:  My favorite angle on this point☆(Thumbnail photo). Trying to take 2 block angle, sea and apartments☆
↑↑↑: 青衣側はこんな感じになります
↑↑↑ː We can take 青衣(Tsing Yi) side like this
↑ː 駅の近くから東側を撮るとこんな感じ
↑ː Taking the east side from near the station.
↑↑: 橋を撮ると反射が赤でいい感じ️(^^)☆
↑↑ː The lights from the bridge reflect red on the sea, I believe it should be quite nice(^^)☆

■撮影条件; Conditions
I took this photo with 120mm and trimmed a little. WB is auto, my camera set the color such gold but you can manually set and enjoy your favorite color.
(Daytime photos)
I have been here several times but have never seen west side apartments face to the sun. There may not be such chances or we need to find the seasons or time. (I guess,,,in the morning on some days?)

■アクセスː Access
アクセスは荃灣西 (Tsuen Wan West)駅の【D】出口1分以内で海沿いの遊歩道です☆
You can reach this promenade within 1 minutes from 【exit D】 of MTR station.

①Please go out the station from 【exit D】☆

②You can find a square, please go through it, you can reach the promenade sooner. Please enjoy walking on it to find your favorite angles☆

If you want to try it (thumbnail photo), please go forward (east) for a moment, you can find the point where cycling course goes along with the sea, the photographing point should be around here.

■注意事項: Attentions
If you want to take night photos around cycling course, please do not enter it for your safety. We should take photos beside or across it, so we sometimes need to wait for others away.
(I could take photos at ease in without the cycling course a few years ago)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén