Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【夜景/オリジナル P】高層ビルが高層マンションに囲まれる“ような”図【Night/Original P】A view a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments

Today I’d like to post about the night shots of the view 『a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments』

撮影画像: The photos taken
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■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑ː かなり控えめに言って、かなりお気に入りです(≧ω≦)☆
↑ː Trying to express quite modestly but I can say I really love it(≧ω≦)☆ 

↑↑ː 近隣の高層マンションの窓にフォーカスした絵も、昼間とはだいぶ雰囲気変わって、いいんじゃないかと思います(≧ω≦)
↑↑ː There being lots of differences between daytime photos, those focusing tall apartments windows beside are also really nice(≧ω≦)

■関連記事ː Related post
⇩Please visit below post to know the daytime photos and the detail info of this photographing point★⇩
【オリジナル P】高層ビルが高層マンションに囲まれる“ような”図【Original P】A view a tall building “seems like” surrounded by taller apartments – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (

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テーマの著者 Anders Norén