Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【穴場】紅香爐峰からの夕陽と夜景★【Secret P】Sunsets and night view from Red Incense Burner Summit★

本日は前回ご紹介した紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)からの夕陽と夜景をご紹介します(^^)★
前回は昼間の画像のご紹介でしたが、紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)はどちらかというと、夕陽や夜景が有名な撮影ポイントだと思います。
Today I’d like to show you the sunsets and night view from 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) where I’ve posted last time(^^)★
Last time I had introduced only daytime views, but night views seem to be more popular. 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) is famous as its night views I believe.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年4月29日/更新日ː 2022年10月23日)
(Last visitedː 29th April 2022/ Updatedː 23rd Oct 2022)

Anyway then, I have introduced the details of this place and the access information on below last post, all photos were taken on the high rocks AT NIGHT. YES, we need to stay in the mountain at night, I placed as much attentions as possible last time, if you are not familiar with mountain trails, I hope you can have some choice to give up or even if you have some mountain activities experiments, please visit with maximum attentions. And please kindly understand this HP cannot have any responsibilities if any accidents occur on you (≧≦)
この場所の詳細(前回投稿)ː Details of this point (last post) 

★紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)の夕陽と夜景のご紹介☆
・夕陽ː Sunset
・トワイライトタイム(≧ω≦)ː Twilight time(≧ω≦)

↑↑ː 西を向いているので、赤く染まった空と灯りだした街の光が最高ですね(≧∀≦)☆紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)はこの時間帯が一番だと思っています☆
↑↑ː We are facing westside, it must be superb to see the red sky and light of the cities(≧∀≦)☆ I believe the best photo of 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) is those taken at around twilight time☆

・夜の写真ː Night photos

↑↑ː もちろん夜も最高です(≧ω≦)
↑↑ː Of course, the night views are also superb(≧ω≦)
↑ː 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)の街にフォーカス★
↑ː Focusing to 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) ★

↑↑↑ː その他、九龍サイドや山側、東側の夜景★
↑↑↑ː Night photos of other side, 九龍(Kowloon) side, mountain side and east side★

■関連記事ː Related posts
【穴場】香港島を東から見下ろす、紅香爐峰【Seclet P】Red Incense Burner Summit, looking down Hong Kong Island from east – Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong (

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén