Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


深水埗の旧市街の散策ː Walking around Sham Shui Po old cities

本日は旧市街が広がっている深水埗( Sham Shui Po) 地区で撮影した画像の一部をご紹介します☆
Today I’d like to place the photos taken at 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) old city area☆
(最終訪問日ː 2022年5月4日/更新日ː 2022年10月4日)
(Last visitedː 4th May 2022/ Updatedː 4th Oct 2022)

深水埗( Sham Shui Po) 地区について: About 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) area
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts

■深水埗( Sham Shui Po) 地区について: About 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) area

深水埗( Sham Shui Po) 地区は九龍の北西側、MTRの駅では繁華街の旺角駅から荃灣線で2駅目にある旧市街が広がる地区です。
深水埗( Sham Shui Po) area is located on the northwest side from 九龍(Kowloon), the second station from downtown MTR 旺角(Mong Kok) station on 荃灣 line.
Hong Kong is famous with its tall buildings and apartments but we can see many (compared) low and old buildings there. This area is a kind of old city but there are many 街市 on each aisle, many people come for shopping, you may feel difficulties sometimes with even going straight.
It can often be seen in Hong Kong, some specialty aisles can be seen and you may enjoy shopping with cheap prices, you can visit there not only for taking photos but also for shopping.
(Today’s post is only for taking photos)

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
■撮影条件: Conditions
・時間帯ː The time to visit
If you want sunlight deeply reaches to the aisles, of course, it should around at noon when you visit there.  Except early morning or late afternoon, sunlight may hit to some parts of the buildings, you can come there any time in daytime.
(If you have any particular target buildings taken when sunlight hit to them, of course, you need to search which side the targets face and the time to visit.)
・レンズː Lenses
Same as usual, I took all photos with my 24-120mm, you can enjoy any ways of photographing at downtown, I hope you bring some for your styles, such as snaps, portraits, and so on. Fisheye lenses may also work well(^^)?

■注意事項ː Attentions
Taking photos among many people walking, we need to be careful not to make troubles, not to face cameras to the people or shops (or goods) without any permissions. Please keep snap manners
マナーのページへː To the manners page

■アクセス: Access
駅の真上に旧市街が広がっているので、深水埗( Sham Shui Po)駅はどの出口から出てもいいと思いますので、アクセスとして特定の出口をご紹介するようなことはしません(^^)
Old cities are just above the MTR 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) station. I believe you can go out the station from any exit and start photographing. So I do not say any particular exit(^^)

I tried to visit anywhere of 深水埗( Sham Shui Po) but cannot say I went all corners. I believe you can take better photos than I placed here.

■関連記事ː Related posts.
①近くの撮影ポイントː Nearby photographing points
嘉頓山₍Garden Hill)


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テーマの著者 Anders Norén