Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】有名なロ型のマンション、坪石邨☆【Famous P】One of the most famous ロ shaped apartment, Ping Shek Estate☆

本日はロ型の形で大変有名な高層マンション、坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)をご紹介ます☆先日ご紹介した彩虹邨やモンスタービルディングで有名な益昌大廈と同様に、インスタ映えする香港の撮影スポットで検索すると必ず出てくるマンションです。
Today I’d like to introduce 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate), which is one of the most famous ロ shaped tall apartments in Hong Kong.☆ Same as 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎ and 益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building), which is called monster building, which must be found easily when we search Instagrammable Hong Kong photographing spots.
(最終訪問日ː 2020年2月29日/更新日ː 2022年10月4日)
(Last visitedː 29th Feb 2022/ Updatedː 4th Oct 2022)

坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)について: About 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related post

■坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)について: About 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)

坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)は彩虹(Choi Hung)にあるロの形をした高層マンションです。香港にはロ型のマンションは他にもいくつかありますが、坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)は高さもあるし、内部の手すり部分もコンクリートでできているので、重厚な造りで、未来的・SF的?な印象もあり、他とは違った印象とスケールの大きさを感じるマンションです。
坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate) is a range of ロ shaped apartments located at 彩虹(Choi Hung). There are some ロ shaped apartments in Hong Kong but 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate) is comparable taller than others and its inside handrails are made by concretes, this makes 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)  to be seen different from others with stately, futuristic and SF like? impressions, I believe(^^)

As you can find on below map, there are other same structure apartments. There seem not to be much difference beteem each. If you do not have time, you do not need to visit all.

概要の地区名でお分かりの方もいると思いますが、前回ご紹介した彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎とはMTRの彩虹(Choi Hung)駅を挟んだ反対側で近い距離にあるので、彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎とセットで来られる方が多いと思います。写真を撮っている人もよく見かけます
As you can guess by the name of located areas, 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate) is located near 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate), which I introduced last time. It is located across MTR 彩虹(Choi Hung) station from 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate). Many people are to take photos together with 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎
(Actually I saw some same people and photographing groups at both on the last day I visited there)

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
↑↑ː 最初は空を真ん中に置いてまっすぐに撮影。エレベーターシャフト?を上に置くか、下に置くかは好みが分かれると思いますが、間違っても編集で回転できますしね(笑)
↑↑ː First, taking with placing the sky center. The difference should depend on the each preferences, the elevator shaft should be upside or bottom side. Anyway, we can edit and rotate later(^^)

↑ː 空を上に寄せてみる
↑ː Tried to place the sky upside

↑↑↑↑ː 今度は斜めにして撮影してみる。斜めの方が個人的には好きです(^^)☆
↑↑↑↑ː Next, tried to take oblique composition. As just on my opinion, I prefer these angles (^^)☆

↑↑ː 壁にフォーカスしてみる。悪くはないけど、とにかく2枚目は縦構図で撮ればよかったかなって後悔中(^∀^;)
↑↑ː  Tried to focus the walls. Should be nice but I regret I should have take 2nd photo as vertical(^∀^;)

■撮影条件: Conditions
・時間帯ː The day and time to come
Photographing style should be like taking sky from inside a hole, so the contrast must be strong. If you take on the cloudy day, cloud’s white may get overexposed or inside shades get underexposed, I guess. So, I prefer to come here on the sunny day with blue sky.
If you want sunlight to reach inside as much as possible, the time you com should be around noon. I believe we can come here any time,,,
そのため, so
撮影条件というか、おすすめの行程になりますが、おそらくすぐ近くにある彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎とセットで回られる方も多いと思います。彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎の撮影が午後からの方がよいので、必然的にこちらも午後になるかなと思います(^ ^;)
It should be recommended plan than conditions, I believe you may visit 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎ before or after here. The best photographing time at 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎ is afternoon, so the time to come here should be also afternoon(^ ^;)
・レンズː Lenses
I could not take whole view of the walls with my 24-120 from the bottom a little bit, so If you want to take whole, wider lens should be better. Of course, you can bring your favorite lens, fisheye may give us nice photos?

■注意事項ː Attentions
Sorry for placing same information every time, but there being the resident areas, please be careful not to bother their lives such as not facing cameras to them, not leave your litters, not talk aloud (when you visit with someone), and so on.
And, of course, please take cares of other photographers.
マナーのページへː To the manner page

Especially here is inside of a building, voices may echo well, so please much refrain from taking aloud here when you visit here with other persons.

■アクセス: Access
アクセスはMTR彩虹(Choi Hung)駅の【A1】出口を出た側が敷地の入り口なので、出口さえ間違わなければ非常に容易にたどり着けると思います。
The entrance of apartment area is beside the Exit 【A1】of MTR 彩虹(Choi Hung) station. You can easily access there if you do not go to wrong exit.
(The ※ on the map)The one I took photos is this building. You can find some with same structure, you can visit others.↑ː MTR彩虹(Choi Hung)駅で電車を降りたらまず、【A】へ向かってください。【A】の案内が既に目的地の坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)になっていますね(^^)
↑ː After you get off the MTR at MTR彩虹(Choi Hung) station, please go to 【A】, the first. The guide of the 【A】 is our destination, 坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)(^^)

↑ː 【A1】出口を出て右へ向かうとエスカレーターで建物に入る形になりますが、そのまま入ってください。
↑ː When you turn right, you can find an escalator which lead you to a building, please take it

↑ː 着きました(^ω^)
↑ː Now we’d arrived(^ω^)

■関連記事ː Related Posts
①近くの撮影ポイントː Nearby photographing point
彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎

②他の有名なマンションː Other famous apartments
彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate
益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building),


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén