Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】有名なカラフルなマンション、彩虹邨☆【Famous P】One of the most famous colorful apartments, Choi Hung Estate☆

本日はインスタ映えする香港の撮影スポットを検索すれば必ず出てくる大変有名なマンション、彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎をご紹介します☆
Today I’d like to introduce 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎, which is one of the most famous points where must be found easily when we search Instagrammable Hong Kong photographing spots.
(最終訪問日ː 2020年2月29日/更新日ː 2023年11月17日)
(Last visitedː 29th Feb 2020/ Updatedː 17th Nov 2023)

彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎について: About 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎
再開発: Re-development ⇐更新: Updated★(2023.11.17)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
注意事項ː Attentions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts

■彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎について: About 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎
This HP is for Hong Kong photographing, I’d like to place summery information here and to rely on below sites for the details. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

彩虹邸(Choi Hung Estate) is a series of public housing estates located near 彩虹(Choi Hong) on Kowloon side. They were constructed from 1962 to 1964. It can accommodate around 43,000 residents and now around 17,000 live.

As 『虹(Rainbow)』is on its name, the outside of each apartment is painted colorfully. And it is quite famous as 【Instagrammable】 point in Hong Kong. Currently they are painted with 5 colors but 7 at first.
※彩ː Colorful/ 虹ː Rainbow撮影場所は立体駐車場の最上階で、バスケットコートや休憩スペースがあり、住民の方々の憩いの場になっています。立体駐車場の最上階なので初めて行くときは迷いますが、比較的駅からも近いので訪問しやすいポイントだと思います
The point we take 彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎ is on the top floor on the parking. This place is the relaxation and refreshment area for the residents with Some basketball goals and rest areas. There being on the top floor on the parking, it may be the reason we may lost the way when we go there first, but this point being near the MTR station, we can try to go at ease.
Same as 益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building), which is called monster building, this place is one of the most famous photographing points in Hong Kong, we must see someone taking photos or movies when we go there. Many readers may have already seen some photos of there at Instagram or the scenes on the movies.

There are some tropical trees, they may be the accents on the photos (^^)
The colorful apartment is not only one, but we can also find more with same color.

■再開発: Re-development ⇐更新追加: Added and Updated★
彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)ですが、再開発の計画があるとのニュースが出ていました。(⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
Some news have issued to say there will be some re-developments on 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) in the future.

さて、彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)は記事によると
According to the news, 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)

The details will be announced at around the end of 2023.
The demolitions of current 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) is fixed plan.
③新しい彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate)は40階程度になる予定
The number of the floors of new 彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate) will be around 40 floors.
The re-developments won’t be conducted at one time but will take around 20 years to gradually complete all residents move.
The colors of new 彩虹邸(Choi Hung Estate) have not yet been decided if they will be same as current.


Below are just my personal predictions but,

For preparing its demolitions, if any, some construction equipment will be placed around it long time before it is started to be demolished, such as walls, rudders and so on.
Photographing conditions may change day by day.

And, to say goodbye to 彩虹邸(Choi Hung Estate) , more people than as usual may visit, I recommend you visit ASAP especially if you have not yet been there. (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)

周知の通り、私も既に日本に帰国していて簡単に様子を見に行き頻繁にアップデートをする等はできませんので、その点もご了承ください。m(_ _)m
As I have informed before, I have already come back to Japan, please be sure that it should be difficult for me to timely place the updated information. m(_ _)m

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken↑: 全体
↑ː Whole view

↑: 中心部に寄って画面いっぱいにしてみる
※バスケットゴールや南国の木など主役にして、アパートを背景にする方法などはあったかも(._. )
↑ː Focusing to the center and try to take photos with fill up with windows
(Frankly speaking, there are not many angles when we come here aiming ONLY※ at the apartment (^∀^:))
※There must be other ways such as focusing tropical trees or basketball goals with the apartment back(._. )

↑↑: これは隣の別の棟
↑↑ː This is another apartment beside.

■撮影条件: Conditions
・訪問時間帯ː The time when we should go there

It should be the most important information related to this area, the side of this apartment we take photos is facing west. So, the time we should go there should be afternoon on the sunny days. Cloudy sky or back lights must spoil the colors.

This is just my opinions from my poor photographing skills, if you have the skills to take nice photos under back lights or no lights, you can try★
・レンズː Lenses
My 24-120 could not take whole view of the apartment, so if you want to take whole, you should have wider one. Fisheyes lenses may give us nice photos?
The apartment itself must be very nice, but there must be other nice ways to take, for example, portrait photos or movies with it back. I hope you bring your cameras and lenses for your favorite styles★

■注意事項ː Attentions
Sorry for placing same information every time, but there being the resident areas, please be careful not to bother their lives such as not facing cameras to them, not leave your litters, not talk aloud (when you visit with someone), and so on.
And, of course, please take cares of other photographers.
To manner page

■アクセス: Access
アクセスはMTR彩虹(Choi Hung)駅の【C4】出口を出た側が敷地の入り口なので、出口さえ間違わなければ非常に容易にたどり着けると思います。
The entrance of apartment area is beside the Exit 【C4】of MTR 彩虹(Choi Hung) station. You can easily access there if you do not go to wrong exit.

↑ː MTR彩虹(Choi Hung)駅で電車を降りたらまず、【C】へ向かってください。【C】の案内が既に目的地の彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎になっていますね(^^)
↑ː After you get off the MTR at MTR彩虹(Choi Hung) station, please go to 【C】, the first. The guide of the 【C】 is our destination,  彩虹邨₍Choi Hung Estate₎(^^)
↑ː 地下道のようなところを通りますが、【C4】出口へ向かってください
↑ː We are to enter a kind of subway, please go to Exit【C4】

↑↑ː 目的地はこの駐車場の最上階です★
↑↑ː Our destination is on the top floor of this parking★

↑ː 着きました(^ω^)★
↑ː Now we’ve arrived(^ω^)★

■関連投稿ː Related Posts
①近くの撮影ポイントː Nearby photographing point
坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)

②他の有名なマンションː Other famous apartments
坪石邨(Ping Shek Estate)
益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building),


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén