Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【ご連絡】地図とギャラリーを更新しました☆【Notice】Updated Map and Galleries☆

皆様ご無沙汰しておりますm(_ _)m。
Hello everyone, lo,,long time no seeing.m(_ _)m
Just 2 and half months have gone by from when I came back to Japan. Currently I am living in the cartoon box amazon.
There being about 160 cartoon boxes arrived from Hong Kong, and more came from my old life in Japan, it must take long long time to open all of them,,, But now I have finished setting up desks, PC, Internet and accesses to all photos I have taken in Hong Kong, I’m thinking about starting posting and updating this HP again☆

So, before re-staring posting, I have updated MAPs on this HP and some Galleries★

地図ː Map
ギャラリーː Galleries
投稿再開にあたってː Greeting for re-starting posts

URLː香港絶景撮影ポイントマップ: Hong Kong Best Photographing Points Map – Google マイマップ
The one you can find on the top menu on this HP
更新点ː Updated points
 Added photographing points and added photos to each points
 Classifying each points with 2 colors
RED⇒The points which I have already posted the detail. I placed the URL of the related posts, you can directly go to the posts.
GREEN⇒The points which I have not posted the details of it. Meaning  I will post about them in the future, I will do the best to change all red to green!!

■ギャラリーː Galleries
I have added some photos to the Days and Nights galleries. I show you some as below★I’m really happy if you come there(^^)


■投稿再開にあたってː Greeting for re-starting posts
As you know I have stopped posting for long long time. It was because I needed to update other blog which needs to be updated many times and decided to concentrate more to visiting to as many photographing points as possible than posting after when I knew about my return to Japan in this January.
Of course, there are some points I wanted to visit first or more but I now felt I have been satisfied with so I will concentrate posting in turn★

↓I have happened to find a great photographing point where we can take the really best Hong Kong night landscape? on just 2 months before I left Hong Kong★
I have visited there at least 10 times in 2 months(^^)☆

Due to the arrangements with other posts, I now hide the details of this place but I will post about it in the future. Please wait for it(^^)☆

内容的に画像の用意に時間がかかるので、更新頻度は2週間に1投稿程度を目指したいと思っていますが改めて今後ともよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m
It needs time to prepare photos, I guess it may take about 2 weeks to post each, but I will try to keep it or earlier, anyway I hope they can make you enjoy m(_ _)m 

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén