Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


(春秧街とセットで)北角の英皇道(Together with 春秧街)King’s Road at North Point

先日こちらの記事で、春秧街(Chun Yueng Street)のトラム撮影をご紹介しましたが、北角(North Point)周辺は古い建物も多く、春秧街周辺にはきれいな写真が撮れる場所がいくつかあるのでで、ご紹介します。
As I introduced on this post about taking tram photos at 春秧街(Chun Yueng Street), there are many old buildings at 北角(North Point) district and you can find some nice near 春秧街, I’d like to show you today.
(最終訪問日ː 2020年8月16日/更新日ː 2022年10月8日)
(Last visitedː 16th August 2020/ Updatedː 8th Oct 2022)

↑: 北角(North Point) 駅前: In front of 北角(North Point) station

本気でこの辺り、正確には天后(Tin Hau)~北角あたりを攻めると、1日では済まないと思います。まだ私も全部回り切れていません(^^;)今回は春秧街への行き帰りで行ける英皇道沿いのポイントをご紹介します。
If you want to take photos at these areas, exactly from 天后(Tin Hau) to 北角, one day is not enough, I believe, and I myself also have not visit there all(^^;) Anyway I ‘d like to show you some of on the 英皇道(King’s Rd) at 北角, which you can easily access when you go to 春秧街

■地図: Map

青い通りが春秧街です。Dから2ブロックも行けば砲台山(Fortress Hill)駅なので、A~春秧街~D~砲台山駅の順番で回ると、無駄なく回れると思います。
The blue street on the map is 春秧街, you can reach next the next station, 砲台山(Fortress Hill) station around 2 blocks from D point, if you visit from A~春秧街~D~砲台山駅, you do not lose time☆

Then, I’ll show you from A.
A地点: A Point
B地点: B Point
C地点: C Point
D地点: D Point
(番外編?)E地点: (Extra?)E Point

A地点: A point
You can find a large old building on the way to 春秧街 from 北角 station, every time I come here I wanna to take some photos☆ There are traffic lights in front of this building and some trams stop, you may take trams with this building

B地点: B point
This is a footbridge which you can find after you go through 春秧街. The view from this footbridge is very nice, I may write an article only focusing it☆

↑↑: 歩道橋の形がいいので、歩道橋自身も絵になると思います☆
↑↑: The shapes of this footbridge is also nice, I believe you can take nice photos with it☆

↑: 歩道橋から西側を見た様子。古い建物が奥まで続いています(^∀^)写真は信号が赤の時に撮っているので、交通量は少なめに感じますが、それなりに交通量はあります。英皇道はトラムもバスもたくさん通るので、待っていれば、トラムやバスも入れて、香港らしく撮ることもできると思います☆
↑: This is the whole west side view seen from on the footbridge. You can see many old buildings ahead. I took this photo when the traffic lights were red, you may see not many traffics, but there are many traffics almost all time, include trams and buses, on 英皇道. I believe you can take nice Hong Kong photos with them.

↑↑↑: 立ち位置やズームの仕方を工夫すれば、いろんな楽しみ方ができると思います☆
↑↑↑: I believe you can enjoy many angles by changing places and using zooms☆

↑: 最後は歩道橋の中から、歩道橋の窓枠を入れて撮影☆
↑: The last is taken with footbridge frames from inside☆
↑I myself love this angle(^∀^)

↑: 歩道橋から東側を見るとこのような景色になっています。
↑: This is the whole east side view from this footbridge.

C地点: C point
A little forward to west from B point footbridge.
You can take photos of trams and buses with the back of old buildings☆
I myself I love this angle☆

D地点: D point
Taking an old building across from traffic lights. There are some bus stops and traffic lights in front of this building, you may see lines of trams and buses at one time☆

なお、Dポイントまでくれば、MTRの駅は北角の駅より、砲台山(Fortress Hill)駅の方が近いので、MTRで帰る方は、戻らずにそのまま英皇道を2ブロックほど西に進むと、砲台山駅に着きます。
Anway, the nearest MTR staion from point D is not 北角 station, but 砲台山(Fortress Hill) station, if you want to take MTR, you do not need to go back, not to go west ahead on 英皇道 about 2 blocks, you can reach to 砲台山 station.

↑: このビルの形もいいと思います☆ズームして、窓だけで切り取るものいいと思います。(していなかったことを後悔(苦笑))
↑: The shape of this building is also nice. Using zooms to trimming the windows should be also nice.(I regret I did not)

↑: この交差点、北側を見れば、屋根が特徴的なこんな古い建物があります。
↑: You can see this old building with unique roofs when you see north from this traffic lights.

(番外編)E地点: (Extra)Point E
This is the footbridge which I informed you when I showed how to reach 春秧街 from 北角 station. The reason I place this point as an extra should be explained later(^^)

↑↑: 歩道橋の橋脚の形がいいので、奥を通るバスやトラムを入れれば、いい感じの絵になると思います。下にある議会の掲示板もいい味を出しているのではないでしょうか(^∀^)☆
↑↑: The shapes of piers of this footbridge seems nice, taking buses and trams through its hole is nice I believe☆ And the information board of parliament beside the hole seems to be nice accent on the photos(^ω^)?

Anyway then, the reason why I describe this point as an extra is,,,

This place seems to be an air base of dove bomber crops where Hong Kong and other autonomy cannot be applied(^^;)

Here should be a kind of heaven to the people who love doves and be a kind of disgusting or alerting place to other people(^∀^;)

Please be careful not to make combat state when you approach them. Making all bombers take off must be much annoyances to other people.

Anyway, please be careful of the dove bombs, some may be aiming at you from somewhere above.

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén