Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


新年のご挨拶&2020年最後の夕陽: New Year Greeting & The last sunset 2020

本年も頑張りますので、何卒よろしくお願いたしますm(_ _)m
Happy new year everyone!!
Thank yo uvery much for your supportings last year☆
I will do my best this year.m(_ _)m
I hope your nice year ahead☆★

Sorry for placing long time from last post, I have been taking photos, I will try to start again posting as soon as in the near future(><)

Then, it was very clear day on the last day 2020, I went to a certain photographing point to take last sunset 2020☆

↓The ohotographing point I went was below this☆↓

寶馬山(Braemar Hill)の紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)というポイントです。
this point is named 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit) on 寶馬山(Braemar Hill).

I will post the detail of this point in the future, this point is a little far from city areas and we need to do moutain trail. And we need to take photos from high rocks…..

This point is not the place where we can easily visit among sightseeing and need some equipments for, especially after taking night photograhing,  we need to walk back in the mountain without any streetlights.


There alway are many people(^∀^;)

I love this point but thinking about visiting here very early to get best point, I gave up many times(^∀^;)

However the last day 2020 was Japan holiday but Hong Kong weekday, I expected not so many people there, I decided to try☆And could get the best point by leaving home a little earlier☆

BUT finally that much people gathered(^^;)

前置きが長くなりましたが、紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)から撮影した2020年最後の夕陽をどうぞ☆
SORRY for palceing long stories before, please see the last sunset 2020 taken from 紅香爐峰(Red Incense Burner Summit)☆

The last sun 2020 set

↑: 最後の一枚は、トワイライトの時間帯☆
↑: The last shot is taken under twilight time☆
I believe this kind of shots taken at this point are supreme☆

I will post the detail of this point, please wait a moment(^^)

皆様の良いお年をお祈りしておりますm(_ _)m
As the end of this post,
I hope your happy this year.m(_ _)m

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén