Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】混雑した市場の中を通るトラム(春秧街)【Famous P】Trams going through crowded market(Chun Yeung Street)

Today I’d like to introduce one of the most famous points on Hong Kong island.

ご紹介するのはトラムの撮影で有名なポイント、春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)です。人々がごった返す市場の中をトラムが通るとても有名なポイントです☆
The point I’ll show you today is 春秧街(Chun Yeung Street), where is famous that we can see trams going through the crowded markets.
(最終訪問日ː 2020年8月16日/更新日ː 2022年10月8日)
(Last visitedː 16th August 2020/ Updatedː 8th Oct 2022)

春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)について: About 春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)
撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
撮影条件: Conditions
アクセス: Access
関連記事ː Related posts

■春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)について: About 春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)
春秧街(Chun Yeung Street)は香港島の北角(North Point)にある市場のある通りです。香港で有名な街市(がいし)と呼ばれる生鮮食品の露店がたくさん並んでいます。
春秧街(Chun Yeung Street) is a street located near 北角(North Point) on Hong Kong island, there are many open air fresh foods shops named 街市(Gaishi) along this street.

On Chun Yeung Street the 街市s are located along to the tram tracks, we can see trams going through the street crowded with many people.

Chun Yeung Street is beside the last stop of the trams bound to North Point. This tram track branches off from the main tracks at the entrance of this street. We can see the trams only which is going to North Point (not so frequently). Here being beside the last stop, trams arrive after all delays such as late departures, traffic lights and so on. We sometimes need to wait long time or can see several trams coming at the same time.

↓↓Photographing point is located east end of this street, the point where trams turn↓↓
The face shots of trams seem to be taken by dangerously entering tram’s track but you actually can safety take that kinds of face shots by zooming from outside of tram’s tracks. You do not need to concern about it★

↓ There are some benches with roofs beside this point. You can not see the trams when some tracks parking but you can wait trams with sitting under shades☆↓: ポイント側のお店です。街市は生の食材を扱うお店が多いので、生肉や生魚の臭いが苦手な方は居辛いかもしれません(^^;)
↓: This is the store beside the photographing point. Many 街市s sell raw foodstuffs. If you do not like the smells of raw meats and raw fishes, you may not feel at ease when you stay here(^^;)

■撮影画像のご紹介: The photos taken
↑↑: 通りの建物自体もいい感じなので、トラムが来なくてもいい写真が撮れます☆
↑↑: The buildings beside this street are also nice, we can take nice photos without trams☆
↑↑↑: トラムが向ってくる様子を正面から撮影☆
↑↑↑: The right front views of trams coming☆
↑↑↑: 正面ではなく、少し斜め前から撮影☆
↑↑↑: Seeing trams from their right front☆
↑↑↑: 北角の停留所に止まっているところもいい感じです☆
↑↑↑: Seeing the trams stopping at North Point stop is also nice☆
↑: トラム以外に車やトラックももちろん通ります。トラックの屋根の『龍』の文字がいい感じだなと思って撮ったのですが、よく見たら、『Jackie』の文字が隠れていました!ジャッキー・チェンさんに関係する車だと思います☆
↑: Other than trams, of course, cars and tracks go through this street. The reason I took this track was the word 『龍』on its roof seemed to be nice but later ,,,,I could find the word『Jackie』is hidden in this 『龍』! This track must be related to Mr. Jackie Chen☆
※We can find same 龍 on the tail of his private jet plane.
↑: 撮影ポイントの反対側はこんな感じです。
↑: The opposite side from photographing point is like this.

■撮影条件: Conditions
・オススメ時間帯: Best visit time
Trams come from west to east, if you want to take trams following to the lights, it should be better to come in the morning. However if you come so earlier, some 街市s have not yet opened and, due to the buildings around this street, sun lights have not reached to the street, it should depend on the season but,,, the best visit time should be from around 9:30 to noon I believe.
・レンズ: lens
I took all photos with 24-120mm here, of course, I did trimming on some photos when trams are far from the point. Below photo is taking the tram’s whole body with 24mm (The nearest shot of the tram).

■アクセス: Access

This street is located about 5 minutes walk from Exit B1 of MTR North Point station.
↑: 全体図
↑: Whole map
↑: MTR 北角の駅に着いたら、【B1】出口から出てください。
↑: After you arrived at MTR North Point station, please exit it from 【Exit B1】
↑↑: B1出口を出たら左方向、目の前の大通りを歩道を西へを進んでください。
↑↑: After exit the station, please turn left and go west along to the main street.
↑↑: 歩道橋(2020年10月時点では使われていません。)まできたら、歩道橋の前の信号を2回渡って歩道橋の裏に向ってください。ポイントは歩道橋の裏にあります☆
↑↑: When you reach to a footbridge (it is closed in Oct 2020), please across the traffic lights twice and go to behind the footbridge.
↑↑: 歩道橋の脇はトラムの北角駅です。 停留所を抜けた先が撮影ポイントです☆
↑↑: Trams North Point stop is located beside this footbridge. After going through the tram stop, you can reach to the photographing point☆
↑: 着きました☆
↑: Arrived☆

■関連記事ː Related Posts
①近くの撮影ポイントː Nearby photographing Points
北角の英皇道ː King’s road at North Point

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén