Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】近くにあるモンスタービルディングにそっくりなビル【Famous P】 The building similar to Monster Building and just located beside

Today is the last post of 5 articles of Monster Building. I’d like to introduce the building similar to Monster Building and located near☆
(最終訪問日ː 2022年7月2日/更新日ː 2022年10月8日)
(Last visitedː 2nd July 2022/ Updatedː 8th Oct 2022)

I placed the explanations of Monster Building, attentions and the access on this post. If you know Monster Building first time, please read it☆

【モンスタービルディング5回シリーズ: 5 articles about Monster Building】
About Monster Building
Taking Monster Building from inside
Taking Monster Building from outside
Taking Monster Building at night
Similar building near Monster Building(This post)

Then, let’s see the photos of the building which is located near Monster Building and located just nearby☆

撮影画像: The photos taken
アクセス: Access

撮影画像: The Photos taken
↑: まずは中心部から。モンスタービルディングを茶色にしたような感じの写真が撮れます☆
↑: The first is the center. We can see brown Monster Building☆
↑: 全体図です。この場所は市場なので人通りが多いです。人を入れないように撮影しています。ちょっと長居はしづらいかも(^^;)
↑: This is the whole view but this place being a part of market and many people there, I tried to take without people. You may not feel ease when you try to stay here long time(^^;)
↑: 左側は茶色というよりは、紫に近いかも?
↑: The color of left side building seems purple more than brown?

アクセス: Access

↑: 本当にモンスタービルディングの目の前、通りを挟んだ向かい側にあります。
↑: This place is located just nearby of Monster Building, just across from a road.

↑: 入り口はこんな感じです。モンスタービルディングからは歩道橋を渡ってすぐの場所に入り口があります☆
↑: The entrance is like this. You can find it just when you go down the footbridge from Monster Building☆


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テーマの著者 Anders Norén