Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】外から撮影したモンスタービルディング【Famous P】 Taking Monster Building from outside

Today is the third post of 5 articles of Monster Building. I’d like to introduce the photos taken from outside☆

I placed the explanations of Monster Building, attentions and the access on this post. If you know Monster Building first time, please read it☆

【モンスタービルディング5回シリーズ: 5 articles about Monster Building】
About Monster Building
Taking Monster Building from inside
Taking Monster Building from outside(This article)
Taking Monster Building at night
Similar building near Monster Building

Then, let’s see the photos taken from outside☆
東側: East side
南側: South side
西側: West side
①東側: East side
↑: 東側全体
↑: Whole view of eat side
↑: 窓にフォーカスして(もう少しズームしてもよかったかも?)
↑: Zooming to the windows(I should have zoomed more?)
↑: 東側にはバス(116番)の終点があるので、2階建てバスを入れて撮影することもできます☆
↑: There is a last stop of bus (No.116). We can take east side with double-decker buses☆

②南側: South side
↑: 建物が大きすぎて、道路の向かいからは私の24mm-120mmのレンズでは全体が入りません
↑: Monster building is so large that I cannot take whole view with my 24mm-120mm across from the road.
↑: 画像全体が窓になるように少しズーム(笑)
↑: A little bit zooming to make the photos all windows(^^;)
↑: 南側の西寄りに歩道橋があるので、その上からの撮影。
↑: Taken from the footbridge located west end of south side.
↑: 縦にしてみました☆
↑: Taken with portrait orientation☆

③西側: West side

↑↑↑↑: 西側は少し複雑な形をしています☆
↑↑↑↑: The shape of west side is complicated☆

Next post will be the photos taken at night☆


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén