Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】中から撮影したモンスタービルディング【Famous P】 Taking Monster Building from inside

Today is the second post of 5 articles of Monster Building. I’d like to introduce the photos taken from inside☆

I placed the explanations of Monster Building, attentions and the access on this post. If you know Monster Building first time, please read it☆

【モンスタービルディング5回シリーズ: 5 articles about Monster Building】
About Monster Building(last post)
Taking Monster Building from inside(This article)
Taking Monster Building from outside
Taking Monster Building at night
Similar building near Monster Building

Then, let’s see the photos taken inside☆(11 photos)
↑: まずは全体図から☆
↑: The first one is the whole view☆
↑: 中心にフォーカスして☆このあたりは有名ですよね☆
↑: Focusing the center☆ I believe this angle is very famous☆
↑: コの字型の反対側は階段になっています。階段を使ってもいい感じで撮れると思います☆
↑: There are stairs at opposite side of the コ shape building. Taking with them is also nice I believe☆
↑: 曇ってきたので、暗めに撮影。モンスタービルディングはこんな感じで暗めの画像も好まれる?と思います(^^)☆
↑: It was getting dark, I tried to take dark. I believe people prefer this kind of dark shots(^^)?☆
↑: コの字型の建物の側面の方にフォーカスして☆
↑: Focusing the side of コ shaped building☆
↑: 個人的にこのビニールの雨避けを入れての画像が好きです(笑)
↑: As for me I like this kind of shots, taking with the plastic rain shades(^^)

↑↑: コの字型の反対側は高いマンションになっています☆こちらも絵になると思います。
↑↑: We can see a tall apartment when we see opposite side of the コ shape. The angles taking with it are also nice I believe☆
↑↑: 正午前後に中心部を太陽を入れて撮影☆
↑↑: Taking the center with the sun at around noon☆
↑: 最後に真上を見上げた画像です☆個人的に、このアングルすごい好きです☆★
↑: The last one is seeing the sky☆ As for me I really love this angle☆★

There are some angles I want to try and I am waiting for the chances now. I’d like to post about them when I finally can take them(^^)

Next post will be about taking Monster Building from outside☆

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén