Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【有名P】モンスタービルディングについて【Famous P】 About the Monster Building

I’d like to post 5 articles from today to introduce a famous place called  “Monster Building”, where is famous for having been selected as a location for a movie and where we can take old Hong Kong photos. I believe many of you may see some photos of here before even you have not visited.
(最終訪問日ː 2022年7月2日/更新日ː 2022年10月8日)
(Last visitedː 2nd July 2022/ Updatedː 8th Oct 2022)

I will explain the details later, this place is a part of apartment, of course, actually, many people live here. Taking photos are prohibited at some parts of here, please be always sure to keep good manners all times. If you cannot follow the manners, please do not come here and do concentrating taking photos only at sightseeing spots.

【モンスタービルディング5回シリーズ: 5 articles about Monster Building】
About Monster Building (This article)
Taking Monster Building from inside
Taking Monster Building from outside
Taking Monster Building at night
Similar building near Monster Building

<今回: This post>
モンスタービルディングについて: About Monster Building
撮影時の注意と禁止区域について: Attentions and photos prohibited areas
アクセス: Access

■モンスタービルディングについて: About Monster Building
モンスタービルディングは香港島の太古(タイクー)駅近くにある集合住宅です。外から見ると1つのビルに見えますが、正確には5つのビルでできています。海山樓、海景樓、 福昌樓、益發大廈そして益昌大廈という建物でできています。Google Mapでは益昌大廈にピンがあるので、私は画像に付してある撮影地名は益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building)に統一しています。
Monster Building is an apartment near 太古(Tai Koo) station in Hong Kong island. We can see it as one building but actually it is composed with 5 apartments, 海山樓, 海景樓, 福昌樓, 益發大廈 and 益昌大廈. We can see a Pin on 益昌大廈 on the Google Map, so spot information on related photos are described as 益昌大廈(Yick Cheong Building).
Monster Building is very famous for having been selected as a movie location of 『Transformer』. We can see impressive views of コ shaped mass of old Hong Kong apartments. We can see many photos taken here at Instagram and many ads taken here, I believe many people may have already seen some photos of here before☆

■撮影時の注意と禁止区域について: Attentions and photos prohibited areas
・撮影禁止区域: Photos prohibited areas
There are 2 コ shaped areas in Monster Building, west side area and east side area.
At west side area, there are some alerts as below, which are saying “taking photos are prohibited”. In 2016, when I had first come here, there were nothing placed, I guess they were placed in the near past. I have heard someone could take photos at west area without any alerts but I decide not to take photos.

・撮影時の注意: Attentions
As I mentioned, taking photos at west side area are prohibited, all photographers should take photos at east area. Buildings at east area are pained with many colors, we can take colorful shots better than west side. However, as well as west side area, there are some alerts as below. Please follow them all times.
And we may see many photos of the people who are standing on the center structures, but fences were attached on them, we cannot take such photos any more.

Anyway, we take photos just beside the place where many residents actually are living, PLEASE
Keep quiet all times
Take your litters home

Do not face your cameras to the residents

Do not bother resident’s lives

Wait quietly when you want someone to be away
Apologize politely and stop photographing when they alert you

Get along with other photographers

If you cannot follow them, please do not come here and go to sightseeing point.
Please visit this manner page before you come to Hong Kong.

I can say aloud that Monster Building is the only place where we can take photos such closely to resident areas. I have visited several apartments for taking photos in the past, I have got alerted at some of them.(I have just been alerted at a certain apartment,,,,I could see some photos of there at Instragram(^^;))

That is to say, this must thanks to that much understandings and kindness from all residents for us to take phots. We must deeply appreciate with them and be always sure not to bother their lives and not to make troubles.

■アクセス: Access

Monster Building is located at just middle between 鰂魚涌 (Quarry Bay) station and 太古(Tai Koo) station, there being a slope when we visit from 鰂魚涌 (Quarry Bay) station, I’d like to show the way from 太古(Tai Koo) station. (Very easy to reach)

↓全体図: Whole Map↓

↑: 太古駅の出口は【B】を目指してください
↑: Please exit 太古(Tai Koo) station from 【Exit B】
↑: 出口を出たら目の前の歩道を左(西)へ進んでください
↑: Please turn left when you exit station and go west along with the sidewalk.
↑: 歩道を歩いていればずっと見えています。3-5分で着きます☆
↑: You can see Monster Building all time, you can reach there in 3 to 5 minute☆
↑: 入り口は2箇所あります(画像は道路の反対側から撮影)
↑: There are 2 entrance(This photo is taken accross from the road)
↑: 少し分かり辛いですが、この入り口A『益發大廈』かB『 福昌樓』から入りましょう
↑:  It may be a little difficult to find them at first, please enter to this entrance A『益發大廈』or B『 福昌樓』.

Next post, I will post the photos taken inside☆


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén