Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


5か所から撮った幻彩詠香江₍シンフォニー・オブ・ライツ)Symphony Of Lights, taken from 5 points

さて、少し遅くなりましたが、既にご存じの方も多いと思いますが、香港で一番有名なイベント、幻彩詠香江₍シンフォニー・オブ・ライツ: Symphony Of Lights)について、ご紹介します。
It should be a little late to introduce and most of people may have already know, I’d like to introduce you the most famous event in Hong Kong, 幻彩詠香江(Symphony of Lights)

I’d like to show you how it can be seen from 5 points where I have introduced before★ This is because of the late introductions of Symphony of Lights. I wanted to post these 5 points first☆

シンフォニー・オブ・ライツについて: About Symphony of Lights
撮影時の注意: Attentions when you take photos
5か所から見たシンフォニー・オブ・ライツ: Symphony of Light from 5 points

■シンフォニー・オブ・ライツについて: About Symphony of Lights

↑: 一応動画も載せておきます。2017年に音楽が変わって、一新していますので、2017年以前に観たのが最後の方も初めてになると思います。なお、動画を観るのは強制しておりません。本当は実物を観て感動していただきたいと思っています。写真メインの方で、シャッターチャンス等先に知りたい方用です(笑)撮影は全体が見えるようにアベニュー・オブ・スターズの辺りから撮りました。
↑: I attached the movies of Symphony of Lights. They changed the music and light patterns in 2017, so it should be fist time to see this new one for the people whose last visit to Hong Kong was before 2017. Anyway I do not mean to force you to watch this movie, I want to feel that much impression to watch them there. The reason I placed this movie is for the people who want to check the best shutter point before coming to see them(^^;) The place I took this movies it was Avenue of Stars to see whole of them.

Symphony of Lights (幻彩詠香江) is a light show 【held 10 minutes (14 minutes in the past) from 20:00PM everyday】. Some lights are on and off and some laser beams are launched with synchronized with music. Symphony of Lights is the most famous and has the longest history among this kinds of light shows.
The music and patterns of the lights were changed in 2017.

■撮影時の注意: Attentions when you take photos
Most of the people who usually take night photos, they may take photos as Raw data for changing the white balances to the one they want later I believe. It may not applicable for those people but if you usually take photos only as JPEG data, I recommend you to set the white balances to what you like before Symphony of Lights starts because during Symphony of Lights many colors of lights come from many buildings, when you set the white balance auto, this may make your camera to change the color change many times.

■5か所から見たシンフォニー・オブ・ライツ: Symphony of Light from 5 points

①九龍公衆碼頭(Kowloon Public Pier)
↑: やはり、迫力を出すならここかな?☆
↑: We can take the most powerful shots from here?☆
The post about this point

②星光大道(アベニュー・オブ・スターズ): Avenue of Stars

↑: ここからは香港島側の全体が見えます☆
↑: We can see whole view of Hong Kong island side☆
The post about this point

③灣仔臨時海濱花園(Wan Chai Temporary Promenade)
We can see both Hong Kong island side and Kowloon side from this point☆
We need to be in hurry when we try to take both side in 10 minutes(^^;)

↑: 香港島側: Seeing Hong Kong island side

↑: 九龍サイド: Seeing Kowloon side
The post about this point

④Sky Terrace 428(The Peak Tower)
The post about this point

⑤ICC Sky100
The post about this point

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén