Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


各種ご連絡・追加ページと今後について: Notices, additional pages and future posts

Thank you very much for coming to this blog.
I hereby report you the changes and updates I did these days (Sorry for taking long time)

Anyway, I posted the airticle about Symphony of Lights today. As on my individual opinion, I have posted most of major sightseeing / famous spots. So I’d like to start posting about the core or secret photographing points. In the first place, that is the purpose of this HP(^^;)

Before starting aggressive posts, I updated below parts of this HP.

I placed the page about manners and attentions.
This is what I have been thinking about for long time.
Providing the photographing information of non sightseeing points but residence areas, to avoid the troubles between readers and residents, and the accidents on you, I have concluded that I do have responsibilities to inform the readers of manners and attentions for safety as the host who leads readers to local places for photographing.
↑: 例えばインスタ映えで有名なこんなところ
↑: For example, these points where are famous as instagrammble spots.

I’m not a professional photographer and not a specialist of manners so I took long time to prepare this page but I thought I must place it. And it got quite longer than I expected. I will update it anytime and post the articles about matters. Please refer to it.

   Add the information in local language on the photos.
At first, I placed informtion at the left up coener on the photos only in English but I deceided to add the one in local language (Chinese chracters).
These days I visited again the photographing spots to update information, I found we need to find some information of them only in local language.
I will do my best to provide information in local language!
↑旧: OLD
↑新: NEW

   Account marge of my google accounts.
It does not have much influences with you but I marged my 2 google accounts because I used 2 accounts related with this blog. I moved all contents to the one with map. I added new movies when I re-posted my movies☆

   Links with SNSs(in the future)
It should be a little in the future, I’m thinking about linking this blog with SNSs. I will inform you when I prepare.

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén