Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【夜景】灣仔臨時海濱花園(Wan Chai Temporary Promenade)からの夕景~夜景: 【Night Views】The sunsets and night views from Wan Chai Temporary Promenade

先日ご紹介した灣仔臨時海濱花園(Wan Chai Temporary Promenade)ですが、本日は夕焼け~夜景をご紹介します。
As I posted about Wan Chai Temporary Promenade last time, I’d kike to show you the shots take at sunset time and night.

Please refer to below post when you want to know other information such as access and so on★

↑: 夕日は冬だとビル群の後ろ、夏だと海に沈む感じになります。
↑: The sun sets behind the buildings in winter, sets on the sea in summer.

↑: トワイライトの時間帯です(^∀^)♡
↑:  Taken at twilight zone(^∀^)♡

↑: 夜景です♡
↑: Taken at night♡

↑: シンフォニーオブライツの時間帯ですが、九龍サイドの夜景です。
↑: Taken during the Symphony of Lights, this is the night shot of Kowloon side☆

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén