Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【穴場】灣仔臨時海濱花園(Wan Chai Temporary Promenade)からの香港の風景: 【Secret Point】The Hong Kong Views from Wan Chai Temporary Promenade

Today’s post is the first one of secret point(^^)

Some photos taken here can be seen so this spot may not be a really secret point but I have never seen anyone taking photos here so I’d like introduce as a secret point☆

★関連記事: Related Post☆
夜景】灣仔臨時海濱花園(Wan Chai Temporary Promenade)からの夕景~夜景: 【Night Views】The sunsets and night views from Wan Chai Temporary Promenade

撮影画像の紹介: Sample Photos
撮影場所: Photographing Point
時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses
アクセス: Access

撮影画像の紹介: Sample Photos
↑: Kowloon Public Pierと違い、香港島のビル群を正面から撮ることはできませんが、近くなる分、迫った感じになり迫力が出ます。
↑: Different from Kowloon Public Pier, we cannot see the right front shots of the buildings on Hong Kong island, but thanks to be staying close to them, we can take powerful shots.
↑: また、ICCを含めた九龍側も撮影できるのもポイントだと思います。
↑: This is the good point of here, we also can see the buildings on Kowloon side, includes ICC.

■撮影場所: Photographing point
↑: 撮影場所はこんな場所です。釣りジョギングをしている人をよく見かけますが、とても静かな場所です。
↑: This is the view of  this point. Very quiet place. We can see some people running and enjoying fishing.
↑↑↑: 香港と中国の国旗と香港の花の金色のオブジェがあります
↑↑↑: There is a golden object of Hong Kong flower and are flags of China and Hong Kong.
↑↑↑: 香港のアニメ?のオブジェもたくさん配置されています。3枚目の画像は案内です。お好きな方は記念撮影にどうぞ☆
↑↑↑: There are many large figures of the characters of Hong Kong comics (?) 3rd photo is the guide map of them. You can enjoy taking photos with them if you know them☆

■オススメ時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses
・オススメ時間帯(Best Visit Time)
We see buildings from east side, if you want to take them with following sunlight, visiting here in the morning should be better. We can see sunsets and see beautiful night views from here, I recommend you to come here in the evening☆

↑: 朝の風景☆IFCに朝日が当たる様子です☆
↑: The view in the morning☆ Rising sunlight hitting to IFC nicely☆ 

↑: 朝の風景☆ICCに朝陽が反射する様子です。季節によると思いますが、朝陽がICCに当たって強く反射しているのを撮れる時があります。
↑: This also taken in the early morning. It should depend on the season but you may see the rising sunlight strongly reflecting on the ICC.

・レンズ: Lenses
All photos placed on this article were taken with 24-120mm. Below shot was taken with mm.

■アクセス: Access
スターフェリー灣仔埠頭から: From Star Ferry Wan Chai Pier
MTR灣仔駅から: From MTR Wan Chai station

↑: 場所はこちらになります。
↑: This is the map.

The nearest MTR station is 灣仔(Wan Chai) station, it should take around 10 minutes walk from it. Star Ferry Wan Chai Pier is located nearer than MTR station. It takes around 5 minutes from it.

・スターフェリー灣仔埠頭から: From Star Ferry Wan Chai Pier
↑: スターフェリー灣仔埠頭からの地図
↑: The whole routes from Star Ferry Wan Chai Pier
↑: 灣仔埠頭を出たら、まっすぐ突き当りの通りまで進み、右へ曲がってください
↑: After you go out the ferry pier, please go straight to the street and turn right.
↑: 歩道をしばらくまっすぐ進みます
↑: Please walk along with the sidewalk for a moment.
↑: 歩道橋がありますが、登らずまっすぐです
↑: You can find a footbridge but please do not go up but to go straight.
(This footbridge is a part of the route to MTR Wan Chai station)
↑: まっすぐ交差点まで進み、歩道を右へ進みます
↑: Please go straight to the first corner and turn right along with side walk.
↑: 歩道を進むと突き当りが目的地です☆
↑: The end of the side walk is the goal☆↑: バス停にたとりつきますが、向こうが目的地です
↑: You can reach to a bus stop, the goal is behind of it.
※You can find a public toilet beside the bus stop☆
↑: 着きました☆
↑: Now just arrived☆

・MTR灣仔駅から: From MTR Wan Chai station
I’d like to explain how to reach here from  MTR 灣仔(Wan Chai) station as below.
↑: MTR灣仔駅からの全体図
↑: Whole route on from MTR Wan Chai station
↑: まず出口は『A5』を目指してください
↑: Please go to 『Exit A5』
↑: A5出口のエスカレーターを登ってください
↑: Please go up the escalator at exit A5
↑: 長い歩道道橋に出ますので、突き当りのビルまで進んでください
↑: You can reach to a long footbridge, please go along on it for a moment until reach to a building.
↑: 入境事務大樓(Immigration Tower)のビルに突き当たりますが、そのまま中に入って、右へ曲がってください。
↑: You can reach to 入境事務大樓(Immigration Tower), please enter to it and turn right.
↑: そのまま道なりに進んで次のビルに入ってください
↑: Please go along the aisle and enter next building.
↑: 次のビルに入ったら、左へ進んでください
↑: Please go to left side when you enter next building.
↑: そのまま2番目のビルを抜けて、次の渡り廊下へ進んでください
↑: Please go through the second building and go to next connection footbridge.
↑: その次のビル、3つ目のビルへ入ったら、また右へ進んでください
↑: When enter the next building (3rd building), please turn right
↑: 3つ目のビルも抜けて、歩道橋へ出てください
↑: Please go through the 3rd building and go out to the footbridge.
↑: 歩道橋の最初の階段で下に降りてください
↑: Please get off the footbridge at the first stairs
↑: 歩道橋を降りたら、海の方へ向かって歩道を進んでください
↑: Please go along the side walk to the sea side.
↑: 交差点を渡って、そのまましばらく進んでください。
↑: Please across the corner and walk for a moment.
(You may wait at this traffic light?)
↑: バス停が見えてきたら、目的地は目の前です☆
↑: When you can find a bus stop, the goal is there
※You can find public toilet beside the bus stop☆
↑: 到着です☆
↑: Now just arrived☆

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén