Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


香取慎吾さんの作品も!蘇豪區(ソーホー: Soho)の壁絵を22種をご紹介: One of them is of Mr. Shingo Katori! The wall arts at Soho. 22 works

香港島の中環(Central)地区の蘇豪區(ソーホー: Soho)周辺には、非常にたくさんの壁絵があり、インスタ映えポイントとして有名になっています(^^)
There are many wall arts at 蘇豪區(Soho) on 中環(Central) district in Hong Kong island. Some of them are famous as instagrammable points(^^)
And one of them is very famous as the work which was painted by Mr. Shingo Katori (SMAP).

There are so many works that I cannot show you all but I’d like to introduce you 22 works today.(I attached the Map with the famous 2).Some of them seem to be re-panited to new works regularly (?), you may see other works when you actually visit there, please be sure of it.
I attached maps with 2 famous works(^^)

蘇豪區(ソーホー: Soho)について: About Soho
有名な2枚: Famous 2 wall works
20枚一気にご紹介: Other 20 works
その他の画像: Other photos taken
アクセス: Access

■蘇豪區(ソーホー: Soho)について: About 蘇豪區(Soho)

↑: 蘇豪區やその上の半山區(ミッドレベル)は香港の中では、比較的賃料の高いアパートやマンションが多く、欧米の方が多く住んでいるので、欧米人向けのお店やレストランが多く、他の街とは違ったお洒落な地域です。
↑: Resident fares at Soho and Mid-Levels are quite high and many people from US and Europe lives there. You can find many shops and restaurants for them, Soho and Mid-Levels are quite fashionable and unique districts compared with other districts in Hong Kong.

↑↑: Soho and Mid-Levels district being located on the hill, there are many steep slopes(^^;)Please come with the shoes for easy walking.

Then let’s see the 22 wall arts(^^)☆

■有名な2作品: The famous 2 works
①『香港壁』: 『Wall Mural』 

↑↑: まずは一番有名なこちらの一枚。昔空港のあった啓徳(カイタック: Kai Tak)地区にあった、九龍城砦(Kowloon Walled City)という違法建築を繰り返した14階建てのビルの塊に約5万人が住んでいた世界一の人口密度を誇ったスラム街を描いているそうです。
↑↑: The first is the most famous one. The motif of this wall art is 九龍城砦(Kowloon Walled City), which used to be at 啓徳(Kai Tak) district, where old airport was located. It was very famous shanty town in the world, which had the highest population density in the world. 50 thousand people lived in the mass of illegally constructed 14 floors apartments.
I took this photo in July 2020, some parts of this wall art seem to be peeled off, if you want to see it, should come asap before re-painted to other one?


『A baby dragon opening mouth widely』(Painted by Mr.Shingo Katori)
↑↑↑: 2枚目はこちら。SMAPの香取慎吾さんが描かれた壁絵です。絵のタイトルは『大口龍仔』で、大きな口を開けた龍の子だそうです(^^)
↑↑↑: The second is the one painted by Mr.Shingo Katori (SMAP). The name of it is “大口龍仔” meaning a baby dragon opening mouth widely.

You can reach it easily. It is located just blow of the escalators and very near from the first one.  And a famous sightseeing spot, 大館(Tai Kun) (I will post about it in the future) is also located near here☆

↑: 1枚目の『香港 壁』や大館(タイクン:Tai Kwun)との位置関係はこんな感じです。
↑: The place of it from first one 『香港 壁』 and 大館(Tai Kwun) is this.

Then let’s see other 20 wall warts☆(Some shops included)

その他20作品: Other 20 works

↑: こちらも有名なようで何度かネットで見たことがあります。
↑: This also seems to be famous. I have seen it several times in the Internet.
↑: こちらは巨大でした
↑: This work is so large.
↑↑: 1枚目の『香港 壁』の絵のすぐ近くにあるのですが、、、タクシーから判断すると東京の絵ですかね(^^;)??
↑↑:  This work is located just across from 1st one, Hong Kong Wall. Considering the colors of painted taxis,,,,, the picture of Tokyo(^^;)?

Below are the other photos taken

その他の画像: Other photos taken

↑: こちらはお店の壁自体が綺麗でした☆
↑: The wall of the shop itself is nice☆

↑: 工事現場の囲いも綺麗なアートになっていました☆
↑: Even the walls for constructions were painted nicely☆

↑: ちょうど描いている最中でした(^^)
↑: Just being under painting(^^)

↑: えっと、えっっっと(><)?
↑: Uum,,Uuuuuum(><)?

↑: 閉店したお店のシャッターに張られた広告ですらお洒落に感じます?
↑: The over attached ads on the shutters of closed shops look nice?☆
↑: 最後は建物と前のバイクと資材がいいな感じでしたので(^^)
↑: This last one was taken because the building itself and the motorbike and materials placed in front of it seemed to be nice(^^)

■アクセス: Access
↑↑↑: 中環中心(The Center)(←3枚目)という高層ビル近くからミッド・レベルまで伸びている一連のエスカレーターで楽に昇れます。
↑↑↑:  You can reach Soho and Mid-Levels easily on the long escalators from Central. You can use them from beside the tower building named 中環中心(The Center)(←3rd Photo)
(Memo)The escalators are only going down in the morning.
These escalators are recorded on the Guinness Book as the longest escalators in the world.

I’d like to show you the way to the Central-Mid-Levels escalators from 中環(Central) station as below.

↑↑: 駅の出口は“D1”を目指してください。
↑↑: Please exit station from 『EXIT D1』

↑↑: D1出口を出たら右へ曲がってください。2枚目は右に曲がった時の風景です。
↑↑: Please turn right when you exit station from EXIT D1. The second photo is the view when you can see after turn right.
↑: 最初の角を右に曲がってください。
↑:  Please turn right at the first corner.
↑↑: 3-5分程度歩く半山區エスカレーターが見えてきます。
↑↑: After 3 – 5 minutes walk, you can see the Central-Mid-Levels Escalators

↑: 半山區エスカレーターへは画像中の右側の階段か左側のビルにあるエスカレーターで到達できます。
↑: You can reach to the Central-Mid-Levels Escalators by the escalators in the left side building or the stairs on right side on the photo.

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén