Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


夜のWestren Marketのトラム: Night view of trams at Western Market

前回に続き、今回もWestern Marketでの撮影です。
Continuing from last post, the subject of this post is the photos taken at Western Market

This time is night views☆いろいろ試した結果、シャッタースピードは1.6秒で撮影しました。トラム2両とバスが全部揃ったタイミングで、全部がしっかりと止まってブレがないようなタイミングはあまりなかったです(><)けっこう難しかった。
I tried several settings and I set the shutter speed with 1.6 sec. There were only a few chances to take this scene that 2 tram cars s and a bus could be seen without their blurs(><)It was very difficult…

If you want to know the information of taking photos at this point such as daytime photos, accesses and so on, please refer to below page(previous post)☆
⇒(参考記事: Referrence post): トラムといえば(1): If you want to take trams(1)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén