Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


トラムといえば(1): If you want to take trams(1)

When it comes to taking Hong Kong photos, it should be must to take double-decker trams and buses I believe☆
This point is my first place where I visited for Hong Kong photographing when I started taking Hong Kong photos(^^) We sometimes can see 2 tram cars stopping and facing to us and, if we are lucky, we can see a bus stopping on the road right next to them☆

★関連記事: Related Post☆
夜のWestren Marketのトラム: Night view of trams at Western Market

・撮影画像の紹介: Sample Photos
・撮影場所: Photographing point
・時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses 
・アクセス: Access

☆撮影画像の紹介☆Sample Photos☆

↑:Pictures get well composed when all three come, I believe(^^)↑: トラムが発車した時、しゃがんで撮影すれば迫力も出ます☆
↑: Taking a departing tram from low angle, we can take powerful shots☆

↑↑: もちろんバスが発車した時も迫力ある画像が撮れます☆
↑↑: Of course we can take powerful shots when buses depart☆
↑: 別のアングルから☆
↑: Taking from another angle☆↑: 運がよければトラムが列を成しているのが撮れるかも☆
↑: If we are lucky, we may see several tram cars coming☆

↑: 1ブロック東に行くと(上環駅の方=上環駅から来る途中)、向きを変えたトラムが本線に合流する交差点があるのですが、そこの建物もいい感じです☆
↑: One block east from here (上環 station side = On the way you came Western Market from 上環 station), there is a corner where trams meet again the main line, you can find a nice building☆

↑↑: こんな感じでバスやトラムが撮れます(^^)
↑↑: We can take trams and buses like these photos(^^)

■撮影場所: Photographing point

場所はWestern Marketの角の交差点です。ここならトラムがこっちを向いて2両並ぶ時があり、運がよければ右の道路にバスも停まります☆
This point is located on the corner beside Western Market. We sometimes can see 2 tram cars stopping and facing to us and, if we are lucky, we can see a bus stopping on the road right next to them☆
Both trams and buses run frequently in daytime so I could see this kind of scenes several times during even my only 30 minutes staying there(^^).
■時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses
・時間帯: Best Visit Time
They face to west side, if you want to take them with following lights, it should be better to visit there in the afternoon.
・レンズ: Lenses
It was 75mm when I took 2 tram cars and a bus stopping in a low. Trams come so close to us when they depart, I recommend you to bring a wide lens. I selected 24-120mm this time.

■アクセス: Access
アクセスはMTRなら上環(Sheung Wan)のB出口から徒歩5分くらいです。
トラムの場合、西側からなら全て、東側からの場合、※ハッピーバレー(Happy Valley) と(銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay)行きを避ければ、全てここまで来ます。
If you visit here by MTR, you can reach by about 5 minutes walk from exit B of 上環(Sheung Wan) station.
If you come by trams all trams stop here if you get them on from west side, if you come from east side, all trams EXCEPT going to Happy Valley and to 銅鑼灣(Causeway Bay) lead you here.
(※if you take them west side from Causeway Bay)

Below is the way from 上環(Sheung Wan) station.

↑: 駅からはB出口から出てください
↑: Please exit station from EXIT B
↑: 出口から出たら、歩道を右にお進みください
↑: Please turn right on the side walk after you go out station.
↑: そのまま歩道をまっすぐ2ブロック進んだら到着です☆
↑: Just walk straight 2 blocks, you can reach to Western Market☆

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén