Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


尖沙咀からの香港島の風景: The views of Hong Kong Island from Tsim Sha Tsui

This should be one the most basic points for Hong Kong photographing. This point is very famous place for seeing Hong Kong island so many people has already been here, I believe, but I want to post about here as a basic.
撮影画像の紹介: Sample Photos
撮影場所: Photographing point
時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses
アクセス: Access
☆撮影画像の紹介: Sample Photos☆

↓When you search Hong Kong photos in the Internet, you may find lots of these kinds of photos. This point is the place where they were taken☆↓

■撮影場所: Photographing point

撮影場所はこちら、Kowloon Public Pierといいます。
This point is located here. Named Kowloon Public Pier.
↑: こんな場所です☆2階建てになっています☆
↑: You can take photos from this place☆ There are roof floor☆
↑: もちろん2階からの方が見晴らしがいいです。また、2階にはベンチ等座るスペースもあります。
↑: Of course you can see around from roof floor☆And there are benchs there.
↑: 1階の様子です。屋根があるので、雨の日でも撮影ができます☆
↑: This is the view of ground floor. Thanks to the roofs, we can enjoy photographying even on rainy days☆

■時間帯とレンズ: Best Visit Time and Lenses
・時間帯: Best Visit Time
夜景のお話ですが、ビルの光が音楽に合わせて動く※幻彩詠香江(Symphony of Lights: シンフォニー・オブ・ライツ)という非常に有名な光のイベントが毎日☆20時から10分程度あります。この時間帯はマストだと思います(^^)。
This is the night phots matter, there is a very famous light show named 幻彩詠香江(Symphony of Lights), on which the lights of buldings move with music. It is held about 10 minutes from 20PM EVERY DAY☆I can say you must come here this time(^^)
For daytime photographying, you can come here anytime to take what you want to take, such as sunrise, sunset and so on. I can say the sun lights in summer hit to buildings better than other seasons. 

・レンズ: lenses
I took below shot with 30mm. In case for zooming to buildings and passing ships, I recommend you to bring some zoom lenses. As for me, I took all photos with 24-120mm

■アクセス: Access
隣に中環(Central: セントラル)と灣仔(Wanchai: ワンチャイ)を結んでいるStar Ferryの乗り場とバスターミナルがあります。
鉄道では最寄の尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui: チムサチョイ)の駅から徒歩-5-10分程度です。
There is a Star Ferry terminal which connect here to 中環(Central) and 灣仔(Wanchai) and bus terminal beside this point.
For trains, you can walk in about 5-10 minutes from nearest station, 尖沙咀(Tsim Sha Tsui) station.

※I will post about night views on the next post(^^)☆


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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén