Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong


【夜景】尖沙咀からの香港島の夜景: 【Night Views】The NIGHT views of Hong Kong Island from Tsim Sha Tsui

前回の投稿に続いて、尖沙咀のKowloon Public Pierからの香港島の風景ですが、今回は夜景編です(^^)
Continuing from last post, today’s subject is also the views of Hong Kong Island from Kowloon Public Pier at Tsim Sha Tsui, but today is NIGHT views(^^)

☆Please visit below post to know the details of this point, such as access and so on☆
⇒(参照記事: Reference post): (基本)尖沙咀からの香港島の風景: (Basic) The views of Hong Kong Island from Tsim Sha Tsui

↑: Kowloon Public Pierからの夜景はこんな感じです☆
↑: This is the night shot from Kowloon Public Pier☆

↑: 定番で世界的に有名な幻彩詠香江(Symphony of Lights: シンフォニーオブライツ)です。毎日20時から10分程度、光と音楽のショーが観られます。正確な時期は分からないのですが、数年前に音楽が変わりました☆まだ観たことのない方は絶対、必見です。
↑: This is the view of 幻彩詠香江(Symphony of Lights), one of the most famous music and lights shows in the world. It is held about 10 minutes from 20PM EVERYDAY☆ I do not know the exact time but the music was changed some years ago. If you have not seen it, you must see next time you come to Hong Kong☆
I have lived in Hong Kong for long time but every time I see it, I got Hong Kong energy from it(^^)

↑: 運がよければ、時々前を大型客船が通ることがあります☆
↑: If we are lucky, we can see some large ships passing in front of us☆
In case not to take the ships without blurs, we need to set shatter speeds and ISO higher, it makes photographing severer(^^;)

↑: 天気が悪いとこんな悲惨なこともありますが(^^;)
↑: If the weather is bad you may see this kind of sad views(^^;)

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© 2024 Seeking Beautiful Hong Kong

テーマの著者 Anders Norén